
Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I was hoping that the born again Eliot Higgins, previously incarnated as Brown Moses, would have seen the error of his ways and recanted.

But apparently not.

The CIA is running the neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine. The CIA is also running the Islamic State and all other Jihadi organisations in Syria. Yet Higgins is still trying to prove that Assad, defying all logic and against all other evidence on Youtube, decided to provide NATO with their perfect casus belli and kill thousands of his own people. Higgins and Belling Cat are also still pushing the theory (and that is all it is despite NATO media and politicians proclaiming it as gospel) that Russia provided the separatists with the alleged BUK that shot down MH17. So far they have not answered the bleeding obvious questions:
1. why would the separatists transport a smoking gun BUK through territory controlled by Kiev Nazis?
2. how could the separatists transport a smoking gun BUK through territory controlled by Kiev Nazis?

One of my suggestions to 2. is by magic carpet.

The point about MH17 is that NATO, with the CIA as its beating heart, has refused to make public the evidence that it claims it has to prove that MH17 was shot down by separatists, instead relying on Higgins and Belling Cat to, over a period of 4 months, produce a report that proves nothing but the vanity of Belling Cat, using nothing more than coloured squiggly lines drawn on by the authors to claim that Russia shot down MH17.

Yet the CIA has just been exposed as the lying, torturing nest of scumbags that we all knew they were before the recent report was released!!!

The CIA serves Wall Street just as MI6 serves Buckingham Palace and The City of London.

I was hoping that Higgins would recognise that maybe, just maybe, he is on the same side as liars and torturers more brutal than Islamic State. But despite tweeting and retweeting tweets that condemn and mock the CIA over this report, Higgins is still steadfast in his belief that bona fide lying torturers are being honest over Syria and Ukraine.

Dear Lord. Heaven help us if this man is helping to create the next generation of 'journalists'.

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