
Sunday, December 14, 2014


By all means we must have an inquiry into what British Intelligence knew about the torture/rendition program of the USA.

But sack Malcolm Rifkind too.


Because he is using the Intelligence and Security Committee as a political tool for the benefit of the fascist Conservative Party.

Just a few weeks ago the ISC could have blown the whole Britain/Jihad/Syria scandal wide open when it finally published its report into the murder of Lee Rigby. The report was a whitewash, taking testimony from biased sources, ignoring witnesses who state that MI5 was harassing Adebalajo, ridiculously printing blank pages to show that they had asked MI5 something, and in the end giving just enough to the media for them to blame Facebook for Rigby's murder just when a new bill was proposed by Theresa May that would give MI5 and the Police more control over the internet.

The sordid truth about Adebalajo was that he was, though perhaps unwittingly, part of a British policy to recruit Jihadis for the war on Syria. For decades London was the home of many an Islamic extremist terrorist organisation leading to London being named 'Londonistan'. The Covenant of Security that these terrorists had with MI5 allowed them to operate out of and openly recruit in Great Britain. This is why even though there was massive concern over activities in Mosques across Britain, particularly Finsbury Park, sweet FA was done about them. Indeed one MI5 agent, Reda Hassaine, was betrayed by MI5 themselves!! The war on Syria is one of seven over a period of five years revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11. However, by 2007 that Plan A was moribund so a Plan B was hatched between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash the nastiest cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon. In 2009, two years before it kicked off in Syria, former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas was asked by Great Britain to help them to plan how to smuggle Jihadis into Syria. But where could they find such Jihadis? Well that is where Adebalajo came in. Even though he was on the edge of several terrorist plots, as the ISC report states, and was possibly involved in dealing drugs, he was left alone. Why?


Yes. Adebalajo, possible terrorist and drug dealer, was allowed to preach Jihad against Assad because it serves British foreign policy over Syria.

And because Adebalajo was recruiting Jihadis to go to Syria MI5 could then cite those same Jihadis as a threat to national security upon their return and demand more and more snooping powers. So don't be surprised to find a secret camera in your bathroom so that MI5 can watch you have a pooh because, you know, terrorists have poohs too so if you have a pooh then therefore you could be a terrorist! And if there is one your bathroom then there is definitely one in your bedroom. And if MI5 didn't put it there then they will have used one of the local mafia-types to put it there.

That's the way it works in Great Britain today.

Anyway, you should note that the war on Syria was planned in 2007 but it started and has continued under a ConLib government.

Rifkind could have blown all this wide open.

But he didn't.

Instead he effectively protected MI5 and blamed Facebook instead which led to support for May's proposed bill.

This latest call by him to see what British Intelligence knew about the torture/rendition program is political because most if not all of it happened under a Labour government.

And Oh! Surprise of surprises!


Rifkind must go.

And so must Cameron.

Any inquiry into the torture/rendition program will be diverted onto what Labour, not MI5 or MI6, knew.

Just you watch this very, very closely...just as closely as MI5 watch you have a pooh.

This is Great Britain today. C'est magnifique, innit?

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