
Sunday, December 14, 2014


Who would have ever thought that I would be interested in sunrise in Luhansk.

But I am.

According to the website sunrise in Donetsk on 18th July 2014 was at 0527 local time. I can trust this because the sunrise and sunset times given by the same website for the area I lived in was about right.

So in Luhansk, not too far from Donetsk, sunrise was about 0530.

So given this information, what time would you say it was in the following video, which the Kiev Nazis say was filmed in Luhansk on 18th July?

And then read this on the Rothschild's The Interpreter about what happened to all BUKs allegedly provided to the separatists by Russia:
02:00-04:00 on July 18th – the Buk launchers reportedly cross the border into Russia (Ukrainian government – see below).

As far as where the missiles went afterwards, one video released by the Ukrainian government claims to show the Buk, missing several missiles, on its way back to Russia (presumably along paths highlighted on our map in black).On July 18th the Ukrainian security services issued a press release in which a Ukraine SBU (Security Service) officer explains Ukraine’s narrative — that three vehicles carrying Buk missiles came from Russia and returned back to Russia after the incident:

At 2:00, July 18, two movers each with a Buk missile launcher crossed the Russian border in Luhansk region. At 4:00, another three movers: one of them empty, other carrying a launcher with four missiles and the latter allegedly with a control unit, crossed the state border.

In other words by 0400 on 18th July all BUKs allegedly provided to the separatists by Russia were back in Russia. In order for this to happen then the smoking gun BUK filmed in Luhansk would have to be in Luhansk at 0330 at the latest in order to reach the Russian border at 0400 (and that would have to be driven at a significant speed!).

I ask: was the video filmed at 0330?

And not only that: as I have pointed out and asked without answer, the location in Luhansk where that BUK was filmed is is in a Western suburb, so why would the separatists transport a smoking gun BUK from Shizhne to Luhansk, through territory controlled by Kiev Nazis as they battled to create a corridor south and west of Luhansk in order to reach that bizarre location in west Luhansk? Even The Interpreter recognises this and proposes a more sensible route from Shizhne but that route takes the BUK passed the war zone airport but more importantly avoids the location in west Luhansk where the BUK was filmed. Instead The Interpreter proposes that the route that takes a BUK through that location starts in Chernukhino, which is where the separatists say they shot down an Antonov An 26 on 14th July.

So if you conclude, as I do, that the BUK filmed in Luhansk was not at filmed at 0330 at the latest on 18th July in order to agree with the SBU that all BUKs were back in Russia by 0400 then we can legitimately ask when was it really filmed?

And if you conclude that the video was not filmed on 18th July then you can conclude that the Kiev Nazis are lying.

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