
Saturday, December 13, 2014


18 months ago The Guardian published The Snowden Revelations courtesy of Glenn Greenwald.

There was outrage directed at President Obama because many media suggested that Obama was personally reading all our emails and texts, and personally listening in real time to all our phone calls.

Things were going to change, we were told. The NSA was going to be reeled in and placed under strict control. Only 1% of the revelations had been released. Greenwald had many more 'bombs' in his arse-nal with which to destroy the NSA.

They were right. Things have changed...but not in the way we were led to believe.

Apparently Section 309 of the FY2015 Intelligence Authorization Act allows the NSA to collect and store much more data collected from Americans than they were previously allowed to do.

What has Greenwald to say about this? According to his twitter account: NOTHING!!!

Though he does have a lot say about the Torture Revelations.

Are the two linked, the snooping bill and the torture report? Yes. Of course they are. The torture report is about something happened years ago mostly under a Republican government. The snooping-on-steroids will continue under any future governments. The torture report has diverted attention away from the snooping.

So was it all for nought? All the kerfuffle, all the scandal, all the headlines?


Thankfully Glenn got a new career and a book out of it. So that's all right then.

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