
Wednesday, December 31, 2014


In the final analysis, who is to blame for MH17?

18 months ago Ukraine was at peace with itself. But Putin stopped a planned war on Syria, after Bandar's false flag at Ghouta was rumbled, by persuading Syria to relinquish its ageing chemical weapons (much to the joy of The Guardian who failed to mention Israel's much more powerful arsenal of bio, chemical and even nuclear weapons). A few months later and Putin had persuaded Ukraine to sign a deal with Russia not the EU/IMF. With the USA having spent over $5 billion in Ukraine to bring it into the NATO/EU/IMF sphere of influence, as admitted by Victoria Kagan-Nuland, the NATO/EU/IMF cabal were not going to let Putin get one over them again. So they unleashed the Nazis. This guy Yatseniuk became the leader. Who was he? A Wall Street gimp, like Navalny. Yatseniuk is sponsored by NATO, NED, US Embassy in Kiev, Chatham House and George Soros' The Renaissance Foundation. So as I said: a total Wall Street gimp. So it was no wonder that Victoria Kagan-Nuland hand-picked 'Yats' as the new Prime Minister. Seeing the Wall Street/Nazi heritage of the Maidan protestors, the East of Ukraine rebelled. Now Ukraine has signed a deal with the IMF and has repealed a law stopping it from joining NATO. But even the IMF money is not enough, and Ukraine needs an extra $15 billion on top of the $17 billion from the IMF! To pay for this the Rada has passed eye-watering austerity measures and will soon be selling off valuable state assets at bargain basement prices. On whose recommendation is this being done? Natalie Jaresko. But do not be fooled by her name. She is of Ukrainian descent but is actually American. Well, she was American. She became a Ukraine citizen just hours before her appointment. Before becoming Ukraine Finance Minister Jaresko was a top official at the US Embassy in Kiev (who sponsored Yats), and thus a good candidate for a CIA agent.

You could not make this stuff up. It is so transparent. Such a blatant coup d'etat sponsored by NATO...and a violent one at that. The neo-Nazis burned people alive in Odessa, shooting at those preparing to jump from 3 floor windows to escape the flames and beating to death or humiliating those who survived the jump.

And then on 17th August MH17 fell out of the sky.

Now, I ask, would MH17 have been shot down if NATO had not unleashed the Nazis to drag Ukraine into their sphere of influence? Would East Ukraine have rebelled against those Nazis thus creating a civil war situation?

My answer would be no.

This is why the investigation into MH17 is so corrupt. It has such a narrow focus, blinkered you might call it. Laws recognise the circumstances under which crimes are committed. The corrupt and "completely botched" investigation in to MH17 is there to serve one purpose and one purpose only: to pin the blame for MH17 on the separatists. That is why the Dutch PM refused to relinquish control of the investigation to a much more neutral and international investigation team.

I find it highly significant and suspicious that:
1. of all the planes to have flown over Ukraine MH17 was shot down just after the BRICS opened their alternative to the IMF;
2. MH17 originated from the Netherlands and was carrying passengers who were mostly Dutch, leading to the Netherlands taking control of the investigation;
3. The Netherlands was one of the five founding members of NATO;
4. NATO has wanted Ukraine under its control for decades, to plonk first strike missiles aimed at Moscow and to control a major source of income and influence for Russia, Russia's supply of energy to Europe;
5. the investigation into MH17 is also being run by a possible suspect, Ukraine, whose Security Service cannot be trusted;
6. the investigation and NATO media and their gimps refuses to look at the possibility of Ukraine BUKs being used to shoot down MH17, or the possibility that fighter jets were close to MH17 when it was shot down.

It all stinks of a violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup, and a cover up of MH17.

But without NATO unleashing their Nazis under their man Yats, the East of Ukraine would not have rebelled, there would be no civil war in Ukraine and MH17 would not have been shot down, by separatists with a BUK, or by Ukraine with a BUK and/or fighter jet.

So ultimately the blame for MH17 lies with the NATO/EU/IMF cabal who unleashed the Nazis in their anger that Ukraine had decided to sign a deal with Russia and not with them.

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