
Friday, January 09, 2015


Initial reports were that an 18 year old called Hamyd Mourad was the getaway driver. But it looks like Hamyd Mourad was actually at school!!

So who was the third man?

From all the films I have seen of the killers they look very, very slick. Like something out of that film Heat. Very professional, ruthless, cold-blooded. After killing a cop they calmly got into a Citroen and slowly drove off. No burning rubber. No high revs. No screeching tyres. They drove off like they were a sensible middle age couple taking their kids swimming.

But how did the French authorities manage to identify them?

An ID card was found in one the cars they left abandoned!

So let's put this all together:
1. from the first seconds of reporting we were told that there were 3 men;
2. the three were eventually named as the Kouachi brothers and this kid Hamyd Mourad;
3. but it looks like Hamyd Mourad was at school at the time;
4. so who was the third man?
5. and despite appearing so professional and clinical the Kouachis somehow and conveniently left an ID card in an abandoned car.

1. where did the French cops get the name of Hamyd Mourad?
2. if he was not the third man then who was, if there was one?
3. is the third man the handler leaving ID cards around in abandoned cars?

Remember what happened with Raoul Moat a few years ago. Portrayed as a madman, he had actually been seeking psychiatric help but it was denied, and he was eventually illegally shot with an untested powerful taser. When the media are kept well away from events then there is only one source of information on what the suspects are saying: the police and 'authorities'. And they can say whatever they like is happening when in reality there is only going to be one outcome.

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