
Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Today is Holocaust Memorial Day. We are supposed to remember the six million Jews who were allegedly murdered by the Nazis. Or was it six million people, when we actually find out that many others besides Jews were murdered by the Nazis. And was it six million, or less?

Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi, writes in The Daily Telegraph today:
To be free, you have to let go of hate. There is no other way.

[source : Jonathan Sacks, Why we all need Holocaust Memorial Day, The Daily Telegraph,, 27th January 2015]

Oh yeah? Well tell that to the over 500 children murdered by Israel last year!!

That final sentence I have quoted from Sacks' rant is typical of how the Holocaust is used by Zionists so we feel sorry for them as they murder hundreds of Palestinian children.

Sacks proposes four 'myths' of the Holocaust:
Four different myths have been created about the Holocaust. The Iranian version is that it didn’t happen: it was invented by Jews to further the aims of Zionism. Another is that it half-happened, and the pity is that Hitler did not finish the job. The third is that it happened and the Jews deserved it. The fourth is that it happened but now Jews are the new Nazis and Palestinians the new Jews.

Well, I now propose a fifth alternative, which is actually much closer to the truth:
A cabal of wealthy Zionist bankers helped to create the Nazis to scare a sceptical world Jewry into populating Palestine for them, and the Holocaust did happen but it was engineered for this purpose.

Sacks references the rise of the Nazis:
Nazi anti-Semitism started after Germany’s defeat in the First World War and the humiliating terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

For now we'll ignore the fact that the British monarchy engineered WW1 to destroy Germany in the first place. But at the heart of German finance were the Warburgs, formerly known as the Del Bancos from Venice they changed their name after fleeing Venice after the League of Cambrai almost destroyed that cesspit of financial manipulation known as Venice. The Warburgs had their own bank, MM Warburg, which did massive business with successive German governments. The Holocaust is remembered for the gas chambers. Zyklon B was the chemical allegedly used in the gas chambers. Zyklon B was manufactured by IG Farben. The Warburgs were the largest stockholders in IG Farben, and also sat on the the main German board of directors AND the American subsidiary of IG Farben. IG Farben was known as 'the state within a state' and was the main economic driving force behind the Nazis. And not only that, Max Warburg sat on the board of the Reichsbank under Hjalmar Schacht, a close personal friend of the Governor of the Bank of England Montagu Norman. The Nazis were that terrible that international boycotts of Nazi Germany were being discussed and arranged. Guess who organised opposition to these boycotts? Yep. The Warburgs.

And so back to the Holocaust. This is what Israel points to whenever it does anything. Before the Holocaust world Jewry did not want to populate Palestine. The Warburgs ran the Haavara, a plan between the Zionists and the Nazis that would train German Jews for a life in Palestine. This was a logical: Zionists such as the Warburgs wanted Jews in Palestine, and the Nazis wanted Jews out of Germany. But despite all the anti-Semitism of the Nazis and the assistance given by the Haavara, only 10% of German Jews migrated to Palestine under the Haavara.

So let's put all this together:
1. Initial Jewish settlements in Palestine were financed by the Rothschilds;
2. the Rothschilds and Warburgs are good family friends and business partners;
3. the Warburgs directed and were the main stockholders of IG Farben, which was a significant financier of Hitler and Nazis, and the main economic force in Nazi Germany, and also directed the Reichsbank under Schacht;
4. the Warburgs allied with the Rothschilds and created a scheme to help German Jews migrate to Palestine while at the same time directing IG Farben;
5. the Warburgs organised successful opposition to international boycotts of Nazi Germany.

Now all this puts the Holocaust and the subsequent creation of Israel in a different light.

People like Sacks get the violin out and cry, "Never again!", and write stuff like, "To be free, you have to let go of hate. There is no other way." while cheering on the murder of hundreds of Palestinian children and leaving destitute and traumatised thousands more.

Yes, never forget that six (or five or four) million died in the Holocaust.

But also never forget that behind the rise of the Nazis lie the Warburgs who had a motive in creating and protecting the Nazis to create a monster to scare world Jewry into populating Palestine, a dream that their good family friends and business partners the Rothschilds had been trying to realise for decades.

Of course, it may all just be all a huge coincidence...

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