
Sunday, January 11, 2015


E Higgins Esq. has written an article on Belling Cat about the problems with keeping a story straight.

Well, he should know about such problems.

The Ukraine Security Service, who we assume have access to much greater and more detailed information than he or Belling Cat do, released a tape of alleged intercepted phone calls which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 with a BUK from Chernukino. But Higgins knows best. He and Belling Cat have been stating for months that MH17 was shot down from a field 5 Km south of Shnizhne. Indeed just a few days before Christmas RTL Nieuws published a report which Belling Cat proclaimed 'proved' their theory that MH17 was shot down from a field 5 Km south of Shnizhne. But just a few days ago two parallel reports were published by Collect!V and Der Spiegel which they said proved that MH17 was shot down from a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne. This was 'proven' by statements from alleged eyewitnesses. Again Belling Cat proclaimed these reports as even more convincing than the RTL Nieuws report. The RTL Nieuws report was based on a photograph of a plume of smoke, and quoted a former NATO missile expert who said the plume was from a missile. And using 'geolocation' methods, the location of the origin of that plume lay on a line from the location of the photographer running south and west of Shnizhne. Belling Cat were ecstatic and gloating. The case was solved. MH17 was shot down from a field 5 Km of Shnizhne.

But hold your horses!

Because the Collect!V and Der Spiegel reports identified a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne which does NOT lie on the line produced in the RTL Nieuws report.

So who is lying?

The implications of all this are massive: the Ukraine Security Service could be lying by saying that MH17 was shot down from Chernukino; the photographer could be lying by saying that his photo was taken just after MH17 was shot down (but Higgins has stated this was the case); or either Collect!V and Der Spiegel or their 'witnesses' are lying.

Perhaps all three are wrong.

But it doesn't matter to Belling Cat. No matter what the next piece of bombshell evidence is, as long as it says Russia shot down MH17 it is 'good' evidence, even if it contradicts everything they have been saying before.

But the problem that Higgins and Belling Cat fail to recognise is that they, with their wild and unproven claims, are driving us into WW3 by providing NATO and their allies with propaganda to be used to convince an apathetic European, American and Antipodean population to support sanctions on Russia, and neo-Nazi coups and military aggression in Ukraine to drag Ukraine into NATO. Therefore there is much more responsibility on Belling Cat to make absolutely sure that they are correct in their allegations...and that they can back them up.

At the moment they cannot.

This is why they jump on the slightest bit of evidence that 'proves' their claims, even though it completely contradicts what they were saying before.

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