
Wednesday, February 25, 2015


If you are wondering how three schoolgirls were able to slip past border and security guards on their way to Syria, particularly after one of them had been in open contact with a wife of a fighter for Islamic State, then wonder no more.

From Great Britain at least, this a contender for TTS Report of the Year.

"The Iraqi Parliament's National Security and Defense Committee has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL," Head of the committee Hakem al-Zameli said, according to a Monday report of the Arabic-language information center of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.

He said the Iraqi parliament has asked London for explanations in this regard.

The senior Iraqi legislator further unveiled that the government in Baghdad is receiving daily reports from people and security forces in al-Anbar province on numerous flights by the US-led coalition planes that airdrop weapons and supplies for ISIL in terrorist-held areas.

The Iraqi lawmaker further noted the cause of such western aids to the terrorist group, and explained that the US prefers a chaotic situation in Anbar Province which is near the cities of Karbala and Baghdad as it does not want the ISIL crisis to come to an end.

[source : Iraqi Army Downs 2 UK Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL, FARS News Agency,, 23rd February 2015]

Just last week it was reported that selected 'moderate' Syrian rebels will be given radios to call in the US military for air strikes on targets provided those rebels. But will no questions be asked? Any evidence required?

The facts are:
1. there are virtually no 'moderate' rebels in Syria, most having allied with or joined al Qaeda or Islamic State because they pay in crisp American dollar notes;
2. the war in Syria is to oust Assad so that a pipeline from the Pars field running from Qatar through, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria to Turkey and on to Europe can be built to threaten Russia's global influence. Israel wants a branch of this pipeline. Assad is against this pipeline and wants an alternative pipeline from Iran through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon onto Europe without threatening Russia's business in Europe.

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