
Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Here is how Rotten Rifkind has voted on selected topics (all data from The Work For You):
1. Voted strongly against increasing the tax rate applied to income over £150,000 (Hmm. I wonder why?)
2. Voted strongly against a banker’s bonus tax
3. Voted moderately for reducing housing benefit for social tenants deemed to have excess bedrooms (which Labour describe as the "bedroom tax")
4. Voted very strongly against raising welfare benefits at least in line with prices
5. Voted moderately for a reduction in spending on welfare benefits
6. Voted very strongly for replacing Trident with a new nuclear weapons system
7. Voted very strongly for the privatisation of Royal Mail
8. Voted strongly for allowing national security sensitive evidence to be put before courts in secret sessions
9. Voted strongly against a wholly elected House of Lords
10. Voted very strongly for raising England’s undergraduate tuition fee cap to £9,000 per year
11. Voted for war on Iraq, Libya and Syria (as per the plan for war and regime change on seven nations in five years).

In other words, a greedy, heartless warmongering nasty piece of work, out for Number One and The City of London.

A typical Tory!!!

But to his credit:
1. Voted very strongly for an investigation into the Iraq war (having voted for it so this could just be showing some concern that he was lied to when in fact he knew all along the war was based on lies and a decades old plan);
2. Voted strongly against introducing ID cards.

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