
Saturday, March 28, 2015


In 1996 Israel wrote A Clean Break proposing warmongering on Iraq, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

In 1998 The Project for a New American Century formed by uber-Zionists Robert Kagan and Bill Kristol, and their first action was to write to the POTUS Bill Clinton demanding war on Iraq.

In 2000 PNAC published Rebuilding America's Defenses which named Iraq and Iran as the biggest threats to US national security, but also proposing multiple simultaneous wars across the globe but recognising the need for "a new Pearl Harbor" to provoke the required support from the American public.

On 11th September 2001 founding and senior members of PNAC were in powerful positions in the American power structure while alleged hijacked passenger planes were flying unimpeded across the USA : Vice-President; Secretary of Defense; Deputy Secretary of Defense.

Shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years.

Iraq. Iran. Syria. Lebanon. Libya. Sudan. Somalia.

All of whom had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.

We invaded Afghanistan for opium.

But since then we have attempted war and regime change in the following countries:
Iraq (2003)
Lebanon (2006)
Libya (2011)
Syria (2011- )

Anyone who cannot see that this plan revealed to Clark has been and is being implemented is an...

And anyone who knows about this and is not exposing it any opportunity they have is crayzee.

Or worse...

And the propaganda required to first trick the NATO public into supporting, and then keep from the NATO public the actual bona fide truth is astronomical, involving lies, more lies, even more lies, shit loads of lies, and lots and lots of pathetic, irrelevant, boring crap on TV and radio, in sport, in education, in films, and in the NATO media in general.

Anyone not exposing this plan is indulging in some propaganda of their own.

A million civilians have died, and millions are now refugees.

And to add to that we now the medieval Islamic State sawing the heads off of British aid workers and sawing the heads off of Syrian military officers trying to defend their country from Saudi-sponsored Jihadi butchers.

It is also not unrelated that NATO unleashed neo-Nazis in Ukraine after Yanukovich decided to sign a deal with Russia instead of with the NATO/IMF/EU cabal: Putin had stopped a planned war on Syria after Prince Bandar pulled a false flag at Ghouta.

We are still feeling the shockwaves of 9/11: Islamic State in Syria, in Libya, in Iraq; and now in Ukraine the threat of a nuclear war, because Russia under Putin has become a threat to the NATO/IMF/EU power structure, particularly with the rise of the BRICS and their development bank.

All thanks to that plan revealed to and by General Wesley Clark.

Expose this plan. Help to stop it. Jail the men and women behind it.

And then the world will be a safer, happier place for the children of this world.

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