
Thursday, March 12, 2015


Reuters has reported that several residents of a village south of Shnizhne saw a rocket fly over their heads just before MH17 came down.

But there are some questions that need to be asked:
1. why has the report on the interviews been published now?
2. does the photo of the plume of smoke so analysed by RTL Nieuws show the zigzag that Pytor Fedotov saw?
3. did these witnesses give their permission to be identified by name?
4. did anyone from Pervomaiskyi, which is just 500m from the alleged launch site, see or indeed hear the rocket and/or launch?
5. why did V Kovalenko say she saw smoke coming from the Progress mine 9 Km north west of the village when the rocket was allegedly fired from 1.5 Km east of the village?

But the following are perhaps even more revealing. This guy Igor states that a BUK was fired at Ukraine fighter jets just 30 minutes before MH17 came down, but it missed and the jets went away. So:
1. what happened to that BUK, and did anyone see or hear that launch? If not then why not?
2. what happened to those jets, and what were they doing?
3. are those jets the four identified by German Intelligence in that documentary I posted a few weeks ago?
4. did those jets return to the area? If so then why, considering they had just been shot at?
5. did the pilots inform civil and military air traffic control of that BUK to warn them that a BUK was in the area?
6. were those jets waiting for Putin's plane that was supposed to be on its way to Rostov but changed destination?
7. did those jets return to the area and were they the ones spotted by many eyewitnesses close to MH17 when MH17 was shot down?

As the report states:
Taken together, the accounts do not conclusively prove the missile launched from near Chervonyi Zhovten was the one that brought down the airliner, because none of the villagers saw it actually being launched.

But still, the Ukraine Air Force has some explaining to do.

Let's just say we've seen this thing before. Der Spiegel and Correctiv, with the assistance of Belling Cat, produced flashy multimedia reports stating that eyewitnesses saw the BUK missile that hit MH17 being launched from a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne, while the Ukraine Security Service released tapes which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks at Chernukino brought down MH17.

But here we have 'Igor' revealing that Ukraine Air Force fighter jets were in the area 30 minutes before MH17 was shot down, and that a BUK was fired at them but missed.

So what was the Ukraine Air Force doing on 17th July?

Why is the Ukraine Air Force being very coy?

Do German Intelligence know the numbers of the planes that were there when it happened?

Is this why there is an apparent schism in the American-German relationship over Ukraine?

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