
Tuesday, March 17, 2015


An undercover police operation that gathered evidence of child abuse by Cyril Smith and other public figures was scrapped shortly after the MP was arrested, BBC Newsnight has been told.

...The order to scrap the inquiry, made after Smith and others had been arrested, came from a senior officer whom the undercover team had never met before, according to the source.

Officers were then ordered to hand over all their evidence - including notebooks and video footage - and were warned to keep quiet about the investigation or face prosecution under the Official Secrets Act, it is claimed.

[source : Cyril Smith child abuse inquiry 'scrapped after his arrest', BBC,, 16th March 2015]

Did you notice that last week, on the same day that Grand Master David Dukenfield admitted that he admitted guilt for and had covered up what really happened at Hillsborough, two reports came out on the massive failure of British police to investigate paedophile rings, one aimed at the Greater Manchester Police over Rochdale, and the second was aimed at...South Yorkshire Police?

So they spy on postmen, teachers and firemen, and infiltrate groups of protestors, and even have children with them, while at the same time organising rings to smuggle cutthroat Jihadis into Syria and fail to investigate paedophile rings.

C'est magnifique 'ere, innit?

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