
Friday, March 20, 2015


Assuming that barrel bombs have been used in the war on Syria (a war which started much, much earlier than 2011), were barrel bombs being used in Syria before:
1. 2011 when the US State Department's fake Arab Spring erupted in Syria in parallel with that in Libya?
2. 2009 when Roland Dumas was asked by the British to smuggle international cutthroat Jihadis into Syria?
3. 2007 when the redirection was agreed between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia in which the latter would unleash international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran?
4. 9/11 shortly after which General Wesley Clark was told a plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years, those countries being Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia?
5. 1996 when Israel wrote A Clean Break, a plan for war on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon?
6. 1991 when Paul Wolfowitz told General Wesley Clark that the USA had "5 to 10 years to take out those old Soviet client regimes: Iraq, Iran, Syria."?

When a bunch of nations illegally gang up on you and illegally unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis as a proxy force onto you, what do you do?

Why are so many Syrian people supportive of Assad?

Why have so many Syrians, who initially joined The Arab Spring against Assad, seen the light and turned their back on the 'revolution'?

The Syrian people have a right to select who leads them. It is not Israel's right. It is not Washington's right. It is not London's right. It is not Paris' right. And it is definitely not the right of head-chopping, terrorist-financing, kiddie-fiddling Saudi Arabia!

These barrel bombs were not being used in Syria, assuming they are being used, before the US State Department unleashed its fake Arab Spring onto Libya and Syria in order to provide cover for international cutthroat Jihadis, like al Qaeda, as 'freedom fighters'. This fake cover was required because the initial plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years that was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11 was by 2007 moribund.

If barrel bombs are being used in Syria it is because NATO, Israel and their head-chopping Gulf state allies unleashed international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria.

And the result of that is...?


And not just Islamic State in Syria, but Islamic State in Iraq, Islamic State in Libya, Islamic State in Tunisia, and Islamic State in Yemen. Where next?

Note: no Islamic State in Turkey, Saudi Arabia or Israel, or Jordan for that matter.

Human rights?

The people who organised all this and fail to expose it are not human, and think it is their right to just do whatever they want, killing hundreds of thousands in the process, safe in the knowledge that their aims and actions will not be questioned by a lapdog media, mainstream, alternative and social.

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