
Saturday, April 18, 2015


The CIA-Soros-Wall Street agent Eliot Higgins has again tried to protect his mates, the warmongers.

Higgins offers several alternatives of who did Ghouta in August 2013 and attempts to debunk them: The Rebels Faked It; The Rebels Did It (Maybe By Accident) With Saudi Chemical Weapons; Al Qaeda Rebels Did It With Turkey’s Help To Trick the US; Al-Qaeda Rebels Did It With Chemical Weapons From Georgia (The State Not The Country) Smuggled Via Gerogia (The Country Not The State) With The Help Of Google Ideas, DynCorp, And Political Groups In Israel And The US With Additional Fake Intelligence From Israel.

But he has not addressed the scenario and culprit that I believe in, and used to predict in mid August 2013 that something terrible was about to happen in Syria. See THE REPORT OF THE WEEK : BANDAR TO UNLEASH HELL ON EARTH IN SYRIA posted on 15th August2013, and WE CAN STOP THE COMING SLAUGHTER IN SYRIA posted the same day.

Does Higgins honestly think that Assad would provide NATO and their Zionist and Gulf allies with the perfect casus belli by killing hundreds of his own people, and thus also risking provoking a coup attempt by officers of the SAA?

Surely by now, if Assad had indeed gassed hundreds of his own people, the Syrian military would have found out about it, and probably killed him in a coup. That has not happened.

The facts are these:
1. independent of whether you believe 9/11 was an inside job or not, the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11, for war and regime change in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Sonalia (all of whom had sweet FA to do with 9/11) is being implemented;
2. but because by 2007 this plan was moribund, an agreement was reached in 2007 between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash the nastiest cutthroats onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran;
3. to provide these cutthroats with cover as 'freedom fighters' the US State Department organised The Arab Spring;
4. however, the cutthroats were first unleashed onto another nation named on that list, Libya, in a war in which NATO became the air force of Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb;
5. after killing Gaddafi the cutthroats were smuggled into Syria (perhaps in one the ratlines that Roland Dumas was asked to organise by British 'Intelligence'), where they have been slitting the throats and sawing the heads off Syrians ever since;
6. but by the middle of 2013 Assad was still in power, so NATO began to express their anger at Obama through editorials in The Washington Post, sometimes twice a week;
7. and when the SAA captured al Qusair, NATO dispatched Prince Bandar of head-chopping Saudi Arabia to Moscow to threaten/bribe Putin: if Putin would dump Assad then Saudi Arabia would purchase billions of dollars of weapons from Russia, otherwise Bandar would unleash hell in Syria to embarrass Putin into dumping Assad.

Putin rejected this lovely, heart-warming offer.

On 21st August 2013 hell was unleashed in Syria.

Can you guess by whom?

Higgins keeps his mouth shut on this, which is why he is being courted by CIA fronts and awarded prizes.

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