
Saturday, April 25, 2015


A video has surfaced of a man being crucified and then burned alive. It is allegedly of a separatist PoW captured by the Kiev Nazis being nailed to a cross, the cross lifted and placed in a hole, and the man set on fire. The Kiev Nazis and their NATO media supporters are saying that the video is fake, some referring to previous videos which turned out to be fake.

But what these deniers fail to mention is that on 2nd May 2014 NATO's neo-Nazis burned 50 people alive in a trade union building in Odessa, shooting at those in the window frames as they prepared to jump, and beat to death those who jumped, from 2nd and 3rd floor windows trying to escape the flames.

I will not show the video but it is out there. If it is fake then it is a very professional one. I would not be surprised if it was real.

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