
Saturday, April 11, 2015


Here is what Rand Paul says about Israel, the source of 9/11 and all the wars since:
I’m proud to support Israel, America’s longtime friend and ally in the Middle East.

Israeli cafés and buses are bombed, towns are victimized by hundreds of rockets, and its citizens are attacked by Palestinian terrorists.

It’s time we took a stand for Israel by standing up to the enemies of Israel, the enemies that murder Israeli citizens.

That’s why I proposed a bill called the “Stand with Israel Act” to cut off the flow of U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority.

As long as the Palestinian Authority is allied with Hamas not one more tax dollar should flow to them.

[source : Rand Paul Stands With Israel, Rand Paul 2016,, Accessed 11th April 2015]

Rand has taken "The Pledge".

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