Sunday, May 10, 2015


According to Wikipedia, here are the nations who paid for WW2 in the number of deaths they suffered:
1. Russia (25 to 30 million)

2. China (15 to 20 million)

3. Germany (7 to 9 million)

American propaganda leaves many with the notion that the USA saved the world from fascism. So how many Americans died in WW2? According to Wikipedia, just 420,000.

But the major fact that many WW2 histories omit is that it was Wall Street and The City of London who financed and engineered the creation of the Nazis in the first place!!


Because they wanted another world war because WW1 did not produce the world government that they wanted.

The one book to smash the myth that the Nazis and their Wehrmacht just appeared out of nowhere is Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C Sutton. But Sutton also wrote a devastating trilogy on Soviet economic development which shows how Wall Street financed the creation of the USSR, a fact that Stalin recognised himself.

In other words both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were created for a second world war by an Anglophile Wall Street. The result? THE UNITED NATIONS!!

The League of Nations failed.

The United Nations survived and is growing stronger and stronger.

And not only the UN, but also other world governing institutions, which have also grown in power and influence. One is the IMF which a few years ago stated that it will soon manage the economies of every nation on earth. Many heads of the IMF attend Bilderberg.

But back to the main point of this blog.

Russia did not start the war. Russia was invaded by Nazi Germany and paid the highest price with possibly 30 million deaths, eventually driving the Nazis all the way from the walls of Moscow and Leningrad back to Berlin. Meanwhile Americans were based in the UK seducing the wives and girlfriends of British servicemen fighting in Europe and North Africa after Wall Street had financed the creation of the Nazis!!

So let's put WW2 into perspective: many more civilians of Leningrad died during the Nazi siege of that city than Americans died during WW2.

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