
Monday, May 18, 2015


Get to know God in a whole new way.

Go to Israel.

Has God been putting it on your heart to visit His land?

Do you feel a certain tug on your heart to go to Israel, but you just keep putting it off?

Would Israel be the first destination of your choice – if only you had the time and the money and the right opportunity?

Read more at this message from me as confirmation of all you are feeling and have been feeling and will continue to feel until you listen to that still small voice and just do it!

It’s time for you to go to Israel and experience the miracle of that land as I have countless times over the last 35 years.

This is the opportunity you have been waiting for – and you can make the time and find the money.

...But the real star of our Israel tours is our Creator. It’s His sacred land we will be visiting. It’s His people we will be getting to know. It’s His ways we will be studying and learning.

Does any of this sound good to you?

Does it sound almost irresistible?

I hope so.

[source : Joesph Farah : Come to Israel with me this fall, World Net Daily,, 26th April 2015]

Oh yeah? Tell that to the 520 children of Gaza who Israel blew to pieces last year.

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