
Friday, May 29, 2015


Belling Cat have issued an article on "that" BUK with three missiles that was filmed in Luhansk allegedly on the morning of 18th July 2014. From the sunlight I estimated that the video was filmed at around 0500.

I believe that the video was filmed where Belling Cat state it is. My questions are:
1. when was it was filmed?
2. why was the truck travelling south east in a south west suburb of 5am on 18th July...when the Ukraine Security Service say it was in Russia by 4am at the latest?

In Belling Cat's report Routes, Destinations, and Involvement of the 2nd and 147th Automobile Battalions in the June and July 2014 Buk Convoys we can find this on "that" BUK:
According to a video published to YouTube64 by the Joint Investigation Team,65 a Buk missile launcher was seen around midnight on 17 July (the night between 16 and 17 July) in “Сєверний“(Syeverniy) in Ukraine as well as in the early morning (around 5:00 AM) of 18 July driving through Lugansk in the direction of the border. An article published 19 July66 on a Ukrainian news site (mainly consisting of an interview with the head of Ukraine’s security service, Vitaly Naida), indicated that the missile launcher was seen on 18 July around 2:00 AM in Lugansk oblast traveling in the direction of “Северный - Верхняя Ореховка Российской Федерации“(Severniy – Verkhnyaya Orekhovka Rossiyskoy Federatsii), where, according to the article, two trucks hauling Buk missile launchers crossed the border, one of which had four missiles and the other three.

The article went on to say that around 4:00 AM the same day, three more trucks crossed the border at that location, one hauling an empty trailer, one hauling a missile launcher with four missiles, and one hauling a military vehicle, which might have been a control unit (note: the vehicle was likely covered, so it could not be identified).

[Pages 43-44]

But here is a Google translation of the article referenced 66 in the above extract:
The terrorists, after the collapse of the Malaysian airliner Boeing-777 was taken from the territory of Ukraine to Russia at least three anti-aircraft missile systems "Buk M1", one of which did not have missile. On this day the briefing said the head of counterintelligence SBU Vitaly found.

As the correspondent LigaBusinessInform, the SBU provided the journalists photo taken in the path of the launcher from Snowy (Donetsk region) in the direction of the Russian border.

"After the aircraft was shot down, after the terrorist attack, the Russian side gave the command to withdraw as quickly as possible launcher from Ukraine. One of the photos can be seen that one rocket is missing on the launcher. Moreover, we have clearly stated and evidence will be provided to all international bodies in order corollary that Russia has given instructions to terrorists to withdraw from all Ukrainian launchers "Buck." And she was not here.

SBU established that on July 18 about two o'clock in the Luhansk region of Ukraine state border towards the settlement of the North - Upper Orekhovka Russian tractor crossed the two, each of which was launcher "Beech". "At first there were four missiles, meaning it is not used, the second - three missiles," - he said.

On the same day, about 4 o'clock in the morning crossed the border three tractor. "One empty platform on one was the installation of four missiles, and the third - a fighting machine. We do not exclude that it was a management module," - said Naida.

According to him, Russia is now trying to hide evidence of the direct involvement in the terrorist act in the sky over Ukraine. "Now the question for the international community should be exclusively to the Russian authorities, to President Putin - how Russia will facilitate the investigation of the terrorist act," - he said.

Naida added that the terrorists knew that the plane should be at a height of 10,000 meters. Launch missiles allegedly found. Representatives of the SBU are looking to get in there to gather evidence.

Recall, July 17, at 16:20 in the sky over the Donetsk region was hit by the Malaysian airliner flying from Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur. According to the State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations, on board the plane were 298 people, including 15 crew members. SBU has published a call recording militants, from which it follows that they shot down the plane.

European Commission experts believe that a full investigation into the circumstances of the crash may take more than a year and it is the "standard time".

Earlier, the National Security Council reported that the terrorists seize all evidence from the terrorist attack Boeing 777, and the "black boxes" are going to send to Moscow.

Today the Cabinet press service reported that on Friday night the terrorists have taken 38 dead bodies of passengers of the aircraft Boeing-777 was shot down by militants over the Donetsk region, Donetsk in the morgue.

In the Donetsk Regional State Administration reported that on Saturday the terrorists Donetsk People's Republic started to remove the wreckage of a downed aircraft Boeing-777 in an unknown direction.

To me this sounds like Naida is saying that "that" BUK crossed into Russia at 2am with another BUK that had 4 missiles. And at 4am three other vehicles crossed into Russia: an empty platform, another BUK with 4 missiles and possibly the control module.

So that would make 3 BUKs, two with 4 missiles and one with 3, and a control module.

If this is the case then how could "that" BUK be filmed in Luhansk at 5am if it was in Russia by 2am?

And not only that, why was it travelling south east in a south west suburb of Luhansk if that BUK had shot down MH17 from Shnizhne?

But something happened on 14th July 2014. A Ukraine Antonov An-26 was shot down as it approached Luhansk Airport as the Kiev Nazis tried to create a corridor south of Luhansk to break the separatist blockade of Luhansk Airport. What brought it down? A BUK missile? Wikipedia thinks so. See Antonov An-26 . The separatists themselves claimed to have shot it down with a BUK too.

But what I find interesting is that the Ukraine Security Service released a tape shortly after MH17 crashed that they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks at Chernukino had shot down MH17.

What is of interest is this:
1. Chernukino is south west of Luhansk, and any BUK travelling from Chernukino to Luhansk would probably approach Luhansk on the E40/M04, and the junction at which that video of "that" BUK was filmed is just a mile south off the M04;
2. if Belling Cat are so sure that MH17 was shot down from south of Shnizhne then how can they trust the video of "that" BUK which was provided by the Ukraine Security Service, who cobbled together a tape to hoax the whole world into thinking that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukino?

So we have these contradictions:
1. Naida says that a system of 3 BUKs and possibly a control module were in Russia by 4am but the video looks like it was filmed at around 5am;
2. Belling Cat believe MH17 was shot down from south of Shnizhne but the Ukraine Security Service tried to hoax the whole world by cobbling together a tape which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks at Chernukino shot down MH17;
3. yet the video of "that" BUK was provided by...THE UKRAINE SECURITY SERVICE!

And there is a possible explanation as to why a BUK with 3 missiles would be travelling south east in a south west suburb of Luhansk: on 14th July the separatists claim to have shot down a Ukraine Antononv An-26 with a BUK from the Chernukino area which is south west of Luhansk.

Why should Belling Cat trust the Ukraine Security Service when the Ukraine Security Service released a phony tape suggesting Chernukino was the launch point when Belling Cat say it was south of Shnizhne, and when the video of "that" BUK was filmed at 5am but the Ukraine Security Service say that 3 BUKs and a possible control module were back in Russia by 4am at the latest?

So good question: who's lying?

Oh, and guess who was a source for that Hiding in Plain Sight report released yesterday? Yep. Naida!

Sleep tight...

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