
Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Yesterday Eliot Higgins mocked the Dutch journalist Joost Niemoller, who revealed the clandestine agreements between the governments of The Netherlands and Ukraine over MH17.

Here is Higgins' tweet:

So let's get this right: Niemoller uncovered one of the most outrageous conspiracies between The Netherlands and Ukraine to pervert the course of justice, and Higgins calls Niemoller a "full on conspiracy nut"?

If you listen to the interview Niemoller refers to George Soros several times. Soros is a real nasty piece of work, big in Bilderberg. But to show how big Soros is, he attacked the Pound Sterling, the currency of the Queen of England, in September 1992...AND HAS LIVED TO TELL THE TALE!! And not only that, he went on to become big in Bilderberg and has been pushing the agenda ever since, using his ill-gotten gains to finance colour revolutions in former Soviet states since the fall of the Berlin Wall, thus implying that that attack on the Pound Sterling and earlier attacks on other currencies were all given the nod by the powers that be. Those former soviet states have then either signalled they want to join or have joined NATO after their colour revolution, indicating that Soros works for the powers behind NATO.

Anyway, Belling Cat are currently involved in a project with the OCCRP, which is supposed to be about exposing corruption around the globe. But when you go to their website OCCRP has just one target: Vladimir Putin.

So who funds OCCRP? USAID and Open Society.

USAID is a CIA front.

Open Society is George Soros' attempt at global domination. In fact, the PM of Ukraine, Yatsenyuk, who was hand-picked by Victoria Kagan-Nuland, runs a foundation called Open Ukraine (which I believe is part of Soros' Open network). Partners of Open Ukraine are: NATO; National Endowment for Fascism Democracy; US State Dept; Chatham House; and one International Renaissance Foundation, which is financed by...George Soros.

Coup, anyone?

Soros has his many fingers in many pies. One such pie is Runet Echo (also funded by the Ford Foundation), who employ one of Higgins' colleagues, Aric Toler.

Niemoller has referred to one of my posts on Higgins' 'independence':

There is nothing independent about Belling Cat. The fact that they are boasting that they have been involved in a big project with The Atlantic Council, which is infested with Bilderbergers, former Directors of the CIA, and warmongers, and was created by the men who created NATO, says a lot. The Atlantic Council is the military-industrial-banking complex that has been driving all the wars since 9/11.

Just remember what happened when the Soviet Union tried to plonk first strike missiles in Cuba. The USA tried to invade Cuba, and the failed invasion contributed to the decision by members of the extreme right wing in the USA to assassinate JFK.

In other words, if your perceived enemy is conspiring to place first strike nuclear missiles on your doorstep aimed at you then you are going to do something about it.

And this is after Putin warned NATO in 2008 that Ukraine and Georgia joining NATO would be a red line, expecting some kind of respect after allowing NATO to transit Russia to and from Afghanistan. NATO thanked Putin by ordering their goon Saakashvili to bomb South Ossetian civilians in their beds, provoking Russia, and thus provoking calls for Georgia to join NATO. And then NATO runs a coup in Ukraine and installs a former senior member of the US Embassy in Kiev as Finance Minister, who is a suspected CIA agent after 'losing' USAID (CIA) funds but not getting into any trouble, and who then flogs Ukraine to Monsanto and the IMF!

And now Poroshenko is rushing towards a referendum for Ukraine to join NATO, which is something that NATO has wanted for a long, long time. Oh, and The Netherlands founded NATO. So you know what that means, don't you? Yep. The investigation into MH17 is a complete farce, run by a nation who has a motive to implicate Russia, and getting its information from another nation, Ukraine, who want to join NATO and thus have a motive to blame Russia.

It would be laughable if it wasn't actually happening. But this tragic comedy is actually happening.

But the thing I don't find funny about this whole Ukraine/MH17 saga is that it was THE most blatant neo-Nazis...supported by NATO...who have then gone on to kill over 7000 civilians in East Ukraine.

OVER 7000!!!

Three more were just killed this morning, one a child.

Russia sacrificed about 27 million people to defeat the Nazis in WW2. It would be naive to not expect a neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine to provoke some kind of reaction in Russia.

But all that the Soros/CIA/Atlantic Council boys at Belling Cat can focus on is trying to pin the blame for MH17 on Russia, ignoring so many witnesses who state on camera that they saw fighter jets when MH17 was shot down, and one even states on camera that whatever attacked MH17 came from behind MH17 thus implicating Ukraine!!

And one last thing: NATO just used Nazis to oust a legitimately elected government, who have then gone on to murder over 7000 civilians. Just remember that.

Russia didn't bomb Iraq, killing approaching one million Iraqis over two decades.

Russia didn't bomb Libya, turning the jewel of Africa into a Jihadi hell hole.

Russia didn't unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria leading to a war in which an estimated 200,000 people have died and millions more made refugees.

The Atlantic Council did all that.


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