
Sunday, May 31, 2015


I wonder if The Ukraine Security Service will make a guest appearance to discuss how:
1. they cobbled together a phony tape shortly after MH17 came down which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukino;
2. they came to the conclusion that the BUK with 3 missiles was back in Russia by 2am on 18th July 2014 at the latest when a video of a BUK with 3 missiles was filmed travelling south east in a south west suburb of Luhansk at 5am;
3. so many eyewitnesses claim to have seen a fighter jet when MH17 came down but the Ukraine Air Force says it did not fly that day even though one of their alleged intercepted phone calls shows they were flying that day, and they had been bombing civilians in Shnizhne the days previous to 17th July 2014;
4. even though The Conservatory in Kiev was under the complete control of the neo Nazi Parubiy, he and his men allegedly could not find the shooters who provoked the blazing riots that led the junta chasing away Yanukovich, yet a photographer took photos of the snipers, one of the shooters says he was escorted away by Parubiy's men, and Parubiy blames Russian special forces.

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