Monday, May 11, 2015


Seymour Hersh is the reporter who in 2007 published The Redirection which foretold the unleashing by Saudi Arabia of the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria and Lebanon, but also Iran.

Hersh is now reporting that that the death of Osama bin Laden as reported in May 2011 is not true.

Hersh is correct in that, but not in what he says happened.

In 2001 Osama bin Laden was literally on his death bed. He suffered from Marfan Syndrome, which is a degenerative disease requiring significant medical treatment if the sufferer is to survive. In addition bin Laden required frequent kidney dialysis.

So how did bin Laden survive in the mountains of Afghanistan for a decade if he required all that frequent, regular and significant medical treatment? He didn't. He died around Christmas time of 2001.

Shortly after 9/11 bin Laden stated that he was not responsible for 9/11. If he was responsible then why would he go to all that trouble and then deny that he was responsible? And Colin Powell stated that the USA would provide a comprehensive dossier on bin Laden's guilt. That dossier was never compiled or published.

It was around November 2001 that odd-looking bin Laden's began to show up on videos. But the difference was that the real bin Laden was tall and thin, while his impostors in these videos were not.

In April 2011 a scandal began to emerge over Obama's long form birth certificate. He could not produce one, suggesting that he was not a citizen of the USA and thus could not become President. To divert attention from this scandal Obama played his trump card and had Osama bin Laden 'killed'. Obama overnight went from being in big, big trouble to being the untouchable All American Hero for getting bin Laden. But bin Laden was already dead for nearly 10 years. This is why his 'corpse' was allegedly dumped so quickly at sea without a single photograph of his dead face or corpse released.

This has been kept from the public because the real reason why we went into Afghanistan was not for bin Laden but for opium.

Our ruling families have been running the opium trade for centuries. But by 2001 The Taliban had destroyed the opium industry in Afghanistan. The solution was to go into Afghanistan under the pretext of hunting down bin Laden and restore the opium industry. The result is that although The Taliban had rapidly destroyed the industry, NATO restored opium to record levels within a few years. And the record opium harvests keep coming and coming...

If you want to know how much the establishment cherish the profits from the opium trade then read Dope Inc by EIR. We are talking hundreds of billions of dollars.

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