
Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Before starting a genocide of the Jews, the Nazis exterminated the disabled through the T4 program.

The T4 Tories are resurrecting that program, but are implementing it differently.

For instead of injecting the disabled with chemicals, the T4 Tories are going to make life so miserable for the disabled, the elderly and the sick that they will be pressured to kill themselves, and they will soon be able to do so because their 'quality of life' will be so shit that they will want to take their own lives.

I heard an interview on BBC Radio 5 Live about an hour ago. A woman whose mother took her own life was on saying how great it would be if Lord Faulkner's proposed bill was available to everyone. The interview lasted approaching 10 minutes. But did the BBC interview another guest with a counter argument? Er, nope.

And nor did the BBC say anything about the following:
1. the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years;
2. the redirection, in which the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia would unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon;
3. the proposal by the US DIA in 2012 that a Salafist entity could be facilitated to isolate President Assad, that entity we now know as Islamic State.

They only let you to hear what they want you to hear.

That's why the BBC pulled that report in which multiple witnesses said they saw a fighter jet when MH17 was hit, and why other such witnesses are completely ignored in the NATO media. And why Higgins only refers to a small section of a video of a witness telling Paris Match that he saw something as a point climb to MH17, but that same witness also says that that point came at MH17 from behind, thus implicating Ukraine.

The point of this blog though is that we have been suffering austerity because of the bastard bankers. But that austerity is going to get much, much worse, and the disabled, sick and elderly are going to suffer. They will be put under pressure to kill themselves because of their poor 'quality of life', which is due to the muggins British taxpayer bailing out the bastard Nazi bankers.

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