
Tuesday, May 05, 2015


Oh What a Lovely War does a good job in not directly blaming Germany, and in particular Kaiser Wilhelm II, for World War One, but is, like Stop The War Coalition, a bit of a gatekeeper, which is why we are still having all these horrid, horrid wars that Stop The Coalition protest about.

You should all by now know that the British monarchy and their mafia, Freemasonry, engineered and executed WW1 to create a world government as the ultimate British Empire.

But by 1916 Great Britain was in trouble, and despite its huge resource base, natural and human, was losing the war and was struggling to raise finance. Most men in the USA did not want to fight in WW1, but after several years of propaganda following the outrageous decision to allow The Lusitania to be sunk by a German U-boat, in April 1917 the USA decided to join the war.

George Cohan wrote a propaganda song, Over There, which as most war propaganda does, called on men to make their families proud of fighting for the red, white and blue.

Oh What a Lovely War changes the lyrics of the chorus slightly. The last line in the original chorus is
And we won't come back till it's over, over there.

In Oh What a Lovely War the last line of the chorus is
And we won't come back. We'll be buried over there.

From Oh What a Lovely War - Over There

But that song also foretold Anglo-American-Zionist-NATO imperialism.

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