
Thursday, May 28, 2015


Not surprisingly, one of the editorials in The Guardian is on FIFA. Well, actually. That's not quite true. The editorial focuses more on attacking Sepp Blatter and blaming Blatter for the alleged corruption which led to those arrests yesterday.

After discussing the charges, the editorial concludes:
Mr Blatter sits atop this steaming mound of graft. He may indeed be calm. But he is finished. Either he goes or Fifa collapses – or perhaps both. As the US authorities put it on Wednesday: “Organised international soccer needs a new start.” That will not happen through another worthless promise of internal Fifa reform. Sponsors and national football associations may need to threaten a boycott, and to mean it. Yet without this, the survival of international football and even the World Cup must surely be open to doubt.

[source : The Guardian view on the Fifa arrests: football’s game-changer, The Guardian,, 27th May 2015]

In other words, The Guardian is suggesting that Blatter has to go.

If you throw enough mud then some of it will stick. But it also depends on when you throw that mud. And there is an election tomorrow which Blatter was exeected to win.

But is FIFA the only organisation that suffers corruption?

This United Kingdom is not united, and it is a kingdom of corruption. And Freemasonry is one of the cogs in that corruption. The case of Keith Harding, who was made Worshipful Master of the Mercurius Lodge in Cheltenham in 2011, but years before had been convicted of kiddie-fiddling 4 children and was membership secretary of the Paedophile Information Exchange, stinks of corruption. Why? Because the Mercurius Lodge is the lodge for GCHQ!! With all those oaths that freemasons take, about helping other freemasons and all that, how much information has been secreted out of the databases of GCHQ via Harding, perhaps on your children? You just don't know. The potential is there, though, innit?

This nation is a cesspit of corruption.

But who is head of state?

Not Sepp Blatter.

It's bleedin' obvious the arrests are politically motivated:
1. against Blatter;
2. to possibly stop the 2018 World Cup going ahead in Russia, and maybe even bring it to England.

I have heard point 2 above suggested several times.

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