
Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Just been reading this little chat between Tony Gosling and Stuart Hooper:

The one massive, massive clue that Snowden, wittingly or unwittingly, is part of some kind of intelligence operation is that it was two of the biggest establishment papers, The Washington Post and The Guardian, who slapped his 'revelations' on their front pages for weeks!!

Hello? Ever heard of a D-Notice?

If the Snowden Revelations were such a threat to national security then why not slap a D-Notice on them?

Why have The Washington Post and The Guardian not slapped the Clark Revelations, that the wars since 9/11 were planned in the 1990s, on their front pages for weeks?

And what has changed since June 2013?

The general public are now aware that they are being spied on. Surveillance breeds conformity. And due to al Qaeda and Islamic State (which we know were created by our spies) the general public accept this spying. But those same spies now point their finger at Snowden and claim that he has exposed their methods so they must have more powers to spy on us to protect us from their terrorists!

And this is from an institution that appointed a convicted paedo to be the Worshipful Master of their lodge at GCHQ?!

And not only that, what was once illegal is now legal. The USA Freedom Act forces telecoms companies to store the data instead of the NSA, and the NSA can request/demand that data.

It has to be some kin of op.

The question is whether Snowden is a witting or unwitting pawn.

Snowden could have unwittingly been used. He did admit that he left clues for the NSA etc to work out what he was doing.

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