Wednesday, June 03, 2015


If there actually is a Evgeny Agapov and he actually works as a military mechanic in the first squadron of the Ukrainian Air Force’s tactical aviation brigade, then why would he risk his life and those of his family to say that Voloshin might have fired at MH17 (I'm not saying that he shot down MH17, just fired at it)?

Are the Ukraine Air Force denying that this man exists and does not work for them?

Russia has tried the old one-two: a left jab yesterday through Almaz-Altey saying they believed a Ukraine BUK was fired at MH17; and today a right uppercut with Agapov being named supporting the fighter jet claim.

But the evidence to support these is that:
1. Eliot Higgins posted a Youtube video of a man being interviewed by Paris Match, who had provided a photo which Belling Cat claim shows BUK 3x2 leaving Donetsk on 17th July 2014. Higgins only referred to the part of the interviewees statement in which he said he saw a "point" rise in to the sky. A Google translation suggests he was saying that he saw something rise as a point, i.e. something far away which looked as small as a point, i.e. a missile or a plane. But the bit that Higgins didn't notice or hoped you would ignore is that the same man said that whatever it was attacked MH17 came at MH17 from behind, using his hands to show what he saw, which implicates Ukraine;
2. many witnesses have stated on camera that they saw a fighter jet when MH17 was shot down. The BBC even pulled a report containing such witnesses. Belling Cat refuse to acknowledge the existence of such claims, even though one of the tapes of alleged intercepted phone calls that the SBU submitted to the MH17 JIT contains a brief conversation in which two men claim that a fighter was shot down during the morning of 17th July 2014. Unless that tape is also a fraud, like the tape which accuses Cossacks at Chernukino of shooting down MH17.

So does Evgeny Agapov exist, and was he working as a military mechanic in the first squadron of the Ukrainian Air Force’s tactical aviation brigade on 17th July 2014?

The Ukraine Air Force could open up its books for all to see if any jets were flying on 17th July 2014, and if Agapov was working where he said he was working on 17th July 2014. Ukraine could also provide the number and type of BUK missiles they currently have in stock so that inspectors could confirm that.

And the USA could release its data that it says it has that shows that a BUK missile was fired from south of Shnizhne, which completely destroys the credibility of the SBU.

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