
Wednesday, June 17, 2015


When the BBC uses him as a major source!

I just watched BBC Panorama on the death of Osama bin Laden.

You remember bin Laden, don't you? Amongst all the anti-Assad hype you may have forgotten that it was allegedly bin Laden who flew planes into the WTC and even the Pentagon which annoyed the USA a little bit, provoking America to support a bloody warmongering rampage across the globe. NATO subsequently invaded Iraq, Israel engineered a war on Hezbollah, NATO bombed the shit out of Libya, and there has been a 'civil' war in Syria for over 4 years, which has led to the USA allowing the rise of Islamic State to isolate Assad.

Hersh recently published an article that Osama bin Laden was alive and well at the end of April 2011, shacked up in a compound in Abbotabad, Pakistan, and that America steamed into the compound and took out bin Laden, then took his corpse away and quickly buried it at sea.

All with me so far?


But there is one huge problem with all this: BIN LADEN WAS ALREADY DEAD!!

He died around Crimbo time 2001. He suffered from Marfan Syndrome, a crippling degenerative disease that affects long limbed people, e.g. bin Laden, and requires frequent strong treatment, such as kidney dialysis, otherwise the sufferer dies a slow ugly death. That is what happened to bin Laden. On 9/11 bin Laden was on his death bed. He denied responsibility for 9/11 and suggested that the American people look a little closer to home for the culprits of 9/11. As evidence to support this, Colin Powell stated that the USA would publish a comprehensive dossier on bin Laden's guilt. Nearly 14 years later, we have yet to see that dossier.

You tell me how bin Laden, global public enemy number one, was able to roam the Afghan mountains for years dragging a kidney dialysis machine behind him for years while he somehow managed to avoid capture by the most powerful nation on earth for the crime of the century?

And why dump his corpse so quickly at sea...without any photos released? Not one selfie?

He was dead. Worm food. Had been for years. Get over it. Carry on shaggin'. Have another line.

The truth is that Obama was in big, big trouble due to a dispute over his birth certificates.

But they also needed bin Laden's myth to be alive so that NATO could invade and the opium harvests could be restored to record levels after the Taliban had all but eradicated opium farming. Our ruling families have been running the opium trade for centuries. HSBC was founded on the opium trade and Cameron's grandfather (or was it great grand father?) was deeply involved, which is why I think he was picked as PM years ago. We are talking billions every year. Enough to use NATO as the muscle.

Anyway back to Hersh.

Why are the BBC not revealing Hersh's classic published in 2007 called The Redirection in which Hersh foretold the terrible events in Syria that would be due to a diabolical agreement between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran? This was done because the plan for war and regime change in seven nations in five years revealed to General Wesley Clark was by 2007 moribund.

Is the BBC not covering The Redirection because doing so would lead the UK to discover that Great Britain has been not only involved in this cutthroat murder in Syria, but the actual driving force, as revealed by Roland Dumas?

Er, do ya fink?

Er, yeah! I fucking do!!

And the big difference is that Hersh was told what would happen in Syria years BEFORE it happened, but what he has been told about bin Laden's fake death is years AFTER it happened.

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