
Tuesday, June 09, 2015


If you thought Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee exposed how one native American tribe was driven to virtual extinction, then this excellent series shows how all the native Americans were tricked and hounded and hunted into giving up their lands that they had occupied and lived off for thousands of years to make way for the westward expansion of America.

How the west was lost - Discovery Channel.

And it also shows what a total ungrateful bastard Andrew Jackson was. In the episode on The Trail of Tears it shows how the Cherokees saved Jackson's life when they joined him in a fight against the Red Sticks.
That day, a Cherokee named Junaluska saved Jackson from an attacker, prompting the Tennessean to declare, “As long as the sun shines and the grass grows, there shall be friendship between us.” But in the peace treaty he negotiated with the Creeks, Jackson confiscated 23 million acres of land in Alabama and Georgia—some of which belonged to the Cherokees.

[source : The Cherokees v Andrew Jackson,

But a few years later Jackson was banishing them from their lands to give it to Georgia and Alabama prospectors, settlers and slaveholders, states that joined the rebel Confederacy in the US Civil War.

However, Lincoln doesn't get off that lightly too. He signed the death warrants of 38 Dakotas who were hanged simultaneously after they had rebelled against the relentless fraud, trickery and expansion of America into Minnesota.

And it explains today's American expansion into Asia and how they do not respect anything or anyone. If they want it they just grab it.

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