Thursday, June 04, 2015


If you missed Joost Niemoller's interview on RT last night, here it is, 3 minutes into the video on the page linked below (though I would encourage you to also watch the 3 minutes before Niemoller).

Niemoller states that even a Ukraine soldier working on a BUK installation has been trying to tell the Dutch investigation what he knows but they don't want to know because they have the culprit, i.e. Russia, and so don't want to know anything that could contradict that assumption. That soldier is, according to Niemoller, not the only witness he is aware of being treated this way.

The fix is in. NATO wants Ukraine as a member. The Netherlands was a founding member of NATO.

We await Ukraine's response to the naming of Evgeny Agapov, and now demand that the MH17 JIT force the Ukraine Air Force to open up their log books for 17th July 2014.

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