
Friday, June 05, 2015


So it looks like I was onto something when I posted EVIDENCE THAT WILLIAM HAGUE AND PHIL HAMMOND HAVE BEEN WORKING WITH A ROGUE FACTION IN MI6 in which I document my correspondence with British Foreign Ministers Hague and Hammond, and the results of a FoI request.

A trial collapsed earlier this week because the accused was part of a Syrian rebel group that was probably being armed by the British. This weapons supply should not be happening. Non-lethal arms (whatever they are) is allowed. Lethal arms? NO!!

“Given that there is a reasonable basis for believing that the British were themselves involved in the supply of arms, if that’s so, it would be an utter hypocrisy to prosecute someone who has been involved in the armed resistance.”

[source : Terror trial collapses after fears of deep embarrassment to security services, The Guardian,, 1st June 2015]

If Great Britain is supplying arms to Syrian rebels then it is happening without the permission of Parliament and it would therefore be a rogue faction running the supply, I think with the acquiescence of Hague and Hammond, who I believe must be fully aware of the facilitation of the rise of Islamic State.

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