
Tuesday, June 30, 2015


London has been known as Londonistan for decades due to the relationship MI5 and MI6 have had with Islamic extremists, from creating al Qaeda with Osama bin Laden and allowing him to own a mansion in Wembley and train in Scotland, to the Covenant of Security in which the terrorists could operate of the UK free from prosecution and extradition but only if they attacked targets that coincided with British foreign policy, to allowing butchers like Michael Adebalajo to openly preach Jihad against President Bashar al Assad of Syria in order to persuade Muslims to go to Syria and oust Assad (because Assad, supported by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, is resisting the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states who unleashed the international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria as part of a long term plan hatched in the 1990s for hegemony in North Africa and the Middle East).

Now The Daily Mail is reporting that Seifeddine Rezgui, who is the main patsy for the atrocity at Sousse, was inspired by Saifallah Ben Hassine, who had run the Tunisian Fighting Group out of London but fled to Tunisia to form Ansar al Sharia in Tunisia.

Links between the Tunisia beach massacre and Islamist extremism in Britain can be revealed today.

The fanatic who inspired gunman Seifeddine Rezgui ran a global terror network from London, a Daily Mail investigation has found.

Security officials are investigating whether there are direct links between Rezgui and terrorists based in Britain.

But the Mail has discovered that the group said to have indoctrinated Rezgui in Tunisia over the past six months is led by Ben Hassine.

And these extremists can be traced straight back to the so-called ‘Londonistan’ years leading up to 9/11.

...Rezgui’s family say he was brainwashed while studying for a master’s degree in Kairouan, 35 miles inland from Sousse, the resort where he killed 38.

The town is the hub for Ben Hassine’s Ansar al-Sharia group. The leader of Kairouan’s great mosque named Ansar al-Sharia as among the most likely groups to have groomed Rezgui.

The terror organisation, which was behind a suicide attack at another beach resort in Sousse two years ago, is seen as the Tunisian wing of Islamic State.

[source : EXCLUSIVE - Sunbed killer's link to Britain: Tunisia massacre gunman was inspired by fanatic who ran global terror cell in London, The Daily Mail,, 30th June 2015]


So let's review some facts shall we:
1. London has been the hub of many Islamic terrorist organisations, hence the name Londonistan;
2. Islamic State was allowed to rise as a Plan C to oust Assad, because the cutthroat Jihadis of Plan A had failed to oust and/or kill Assad as they had in Libya, and Plan B (Bandar's false flag) had failed to provoke a NATO/Zionist/Gulf state war on Syria;
3. Islamic State has given the USA and UK the opportunity to openly interfere in and spy on Syria;
4. in March this year a meeting took place at which the sponsors of the bloodshed in Syria agreed that enough was enough and the 'rebels', i.e. cutthroats, would receive all the help they needed, except SAMs;
5. in a recent report from Brookings it was proposed to establish buffer zones in Syria, and British troops in Syria were explicitly proposed;
6. so right on cue at least one man (reports suggest three) go on a shooting spree in a town in Tunisia frequented by Brits for holidays, and it looks like the main patsy was radicalised by a man who had previously run an Islamic terrorist organisation out of London!!
7. the resulting carnage has been jumped on by Cameron and others demanding that a military solution to Islamic State is required.

Note that we have been 'bombing' Islamic State for months yet it has somehow grown and grown. This is because we haven't been trying to destroy Islamic State just use it as an excuse to interfere in Syria. The goal is to oust Assad. That is why Cameron will not cooperate with Assad. Cameron would rather have Islamic State grow to oust Assad than Islamic State destroyed and Assad left in power.

But isn't it interesting that just as a proposal for British boots in Syria is made there is an Islamic terrorist atrocity against British holidaymakers which looks like it was engineered by a terrorist who had previously run an Islamic terrorist organisation out of Londonistan during the time the Covenant of Security was in force and is thus possibly a British agent?

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