
Friday, June 05, 2015


On 17th July 2014 MH17 was shot down by something, we think. We aren't sure yet what it was. The manufacturer of the missile alleged to have shot it down says that one of their missiles could have brought it down, but not from where the USA says. The manufacturer says that Ukraine has the type of missile that could have been used, but so does Russia.

But since February 2014, when NATO-supported neo-Nazis decided to shoot up Kiev, killing protestors and police, in order to provoke riots that were subsequently used to burn down government buildings and chase the legitimately elected government away, around 7000 civilians in East Ukraine have been killed, those civilians resisting the illegal imposition of NATO Nazism onto them.

In the first incident nearly 300 people died in an instant and fell from the sky, crashing into people's houses and gardens.

But the nearly 7000 civilians have been killed over a period of 16 months. A few here, a few there. Who cares?

But the number of East Ukraine civilians resisting Nazism that have been killed is over 20 times the number killed in MH17. And not only that, the civilians of East Ukraine are suffering a humanitarian disaster.

NATO is pretending that the coup in February last year was nothing to do with them, that it was something internal. Yet check out these facts:
1. in a phone call Victoria Kagan-Nuland hand-picked the man who would run the junta, Arseny Yatsenyuk aka Yats;
2. in that same phone call the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, said, "I think we're in play";
3. Yats runs a foundation, Open Ukraine, that is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, Chatham House, The US Embassy in Kiev, George Soros, and...NATO!;
4. a former senior officer at the US Embassy in Kiev is appointed Minister of Finance of Ukraine, even though she had 'lost' funds for US AID (CIA);
5. that same Minister then flogs Ukraine to the IMF and Monsanto;
6. NATO media somehow did not see the Nazism of the junta, or if they did they covered it up.

What occured in Ukraine was a coup which led to the installation of a NATO/Wall Street puppet and the appointment of, I believe, a CIA agent as Minister of Finance (how else could someone 'lose' funds for US AID and yet get appointed to the economics division of the US Embassy in Kiev, and then get appointed as Minister of Finance whose first action was to flog Ukraine to the IMF and Monsanto?)

In my opinion without that coup the civil war in Ukraine would not have happened, but that coup has led to a civil war in which around 7000 civilians of East Ukraine have been killed, and of course MH17, and not forgetting the diabolical incident in Odessa in which 50 people were burned alive by supporters of the Kiev Nazis. Very little is made of this. Nearly 7000 civilians. Dead. Mostly shelled or bombed from the air.

But much is made of MH17. And rightly so.

But 300 deaths versus 7000 deaths?

Which is worse? Which should we be more concerned about?

So the thought for t'day is this: which is the bigger tragedy? 298 deaths in the MH17 incident, or nearly 7000 civilians of East Ukraine bombed or shelled by the Ukraine Armed Forces, some of whom are bona fide Nazis?

I know this may sound like I am loading the question, but thems the facts.

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