
Sunday, June 21, 2015


Wikileaks became famous for publishing the videos of Apache helicopters in Iraq shooting up civilians. Since then it has become a source of NATO propaganda. For example, the Afghan and Iraq war files didn't really tell us why those wars happened (Aghanistan was for opium, Iraq for energy) but did accuse NATO's enemies and also kept the myth that bin Laden was alive going by suggesting he was in...surprise!...IRAN!, when in fact bin Laden had died in late 2001.

But isn't it a bit of a coincidence that when Saudi Arabia sends its Defence Minister to Russia to discuss a nuclear/weapons deal with Russia that a tranche of 'leaks' from Saudi Arabia is released through Wikileaks?

Wikileaks was becoming a fading, blurred memory, a myth. Assange has been holed up in that embassy for years and few protest now. Things have moved on. Snowden's 'revelations' that we were all being spied, for example (as if we didn't know already).

But isn't it weird that in 2013 Prince Bandar went to Moscow and issued the following ultimatum: if Putin dumped Assad then Saudi Arabia would by billions of dollars worth of weapons from Russia; otherwise Bandar would unleash hell in Syria.

Putin declined this lovely heart-warming offer from Bandar.

On 21st August 2013 Bandar made good on his threat.

And now the Saudis are flirting with a weapons deal with Russia, this time there is apparently no ultimatum. None that we know of anyway...

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