Monday, July 06, 2015


The Daily Mail is reporting that one of the 'key influencers' Hani al-Sibai behind the group that attacked Sousse has been living in London for over 15 years on benefits and has somehow 'avoided' extradition to Egypt for terrorist offences there after being found guilty and fleeing to London.

This is not looking good for British Intelligence. The only reason The Daily Mail has been allowed to publish this is to support the Tory attacks on welfare. You are not supposed to know about The Covenant of Security between Islamic terrorists and British Intelligence.

So we have:

A Covenant of Security between the Islamic terrorists and the British in which the terrorists could operate out of London free from prosecution and extradition but if only if they worked for British foreign policy;

Hani al-Sibai still lives in London and has avoided extradition to Egypt for 15 years for terrorism offences;

Hani al-Sibai is close to Ben Hassine who is thought to have planned the attack in Sousse from Libya. Ben Hassine had previously run the Tunisian Fighting Group out of London during the time of the Covenant of Security;

And Libya has become a haven for Islamic terrorists ever since the SAS were used to assist the international cutthroat Jihadis murder Colonel Gaddafi in 2011, when NATO became the Jihadi Air Force as the cutthroats lynched black Libyans, after Gaddafi had identified Islamic terrorists and had given their names to MI6 and the CIA.

And the attack in Sousse has been jumped on by Cameron and Fallon as the reason we must openly interfere in Syria because Assad has blocked their plan for hegemony in the Middle East for over 4 years by resisting the invasion of Saudi-sponsored international cutthroat Jihadis as a proxy of the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states.

It's gud 'ere, innit?

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