
Tuesday, July 21, 2015


In The Confederate Flag Needs To Be Raised, Not Lowered, Pastor Chuck Baldwin writes:
Recall that his counterpart, Confederate General Robert E. Lee, freed his slaves BEFORE hostilities between North and South ever broke out.


As I understand it, Robert E Lee did not possess that many slaves as such (who he did not free before the war, contrary to Baldwin's claim), but as executor of a will he was given control over many slaves after the death of his father-in-law, George Washington Parke Custis, in 1857. Custis' will stipulated that the slaves should be set free within five years of his death. Lee did not free these slaves before the war started (again, contrary to Baldwin's claim) and in many cases not until the last minute in 1862. So how did Lee treat those slaves? Pretty badly. Many ran away, and those that were returned were beaten, including women. He went to court 3 times during the civil war to gain permission to sell the slaves but lost each time. So he hired the slaves out instead. But he was apparently legally able to sell the children of those slaves, and did so.

This is the true Confederate General Robert E Lee, the man who decided to protect slavery when he refused command over the Union Army in favour of his beloved slaveholding Virginia.

I'm telling you people. There is an operation to ressurect the Confederacy.

And I think it might be part of an attempt to start a race war.

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