
Saturday, July 04, 2015


Here's another one:
A tearful teacher apologises after admitting having sex with three of her 17-year-old students - before being jailed for 22 years.

Jennifer Fichter, 30, wept in court as she appealed for leniency but a judge who described her as a 'predator' handed down the long sentence.

Fichter, an English teacher admitted sex sessions with three 17-year-old boys from a school in Florida.

In a recorded phone call played in court in Lakeland, she said she aborted a pregnancy after having intercourse with one teenager and confessed to having multiple sex sessions with two others.

[source : Female teacher's tearful apology for having sex with 3 pupils before she is jailed for 22 years, Daily Mirror,, 4th July 2015]

But don't worry. This was in Florida, USA.

It could never happen here, could it?

Well, British teachers are going that way.

Is the statistic that two teachers a week are struck off because of inappropriate relationships with younger students?

But what is even worse is not caring. Like for instance not asking a single question when told just how evil and controlled this planet is.

And then there is this. I taught in a school which encouraged its students to write and draw pro-war propaganda which was stuck up on the walls of the school corridors. And to top it all off, the same school showed what I considered to be a racist and imperialist video to show the different cultures of the countries that constitute the British Isles. England was shown as a utopia of intelligence, art, science, business, architecture. But Wales was just full of sheep and sheepshaggers, while Ireland was just full of drunks. I can't quite remember what Scotland was full of because I was horrified at what I was watching!

And then there is this reported today:
Schools are using “dubious practices” and even cheating to achieve better performance results because of the intense pressure of the Government’s test and exam system, a major study for the largest teaching union has found.

...The study concluded there was “evidence that teachers in England are ‘gaming the system’, because they are under pressure to achieve good results. In some cases they are being told to cheat. Such practices are increasing in response to the intense pressure on school leaders and teachers to raise attainment as measured by tests and exams.”

...Teachers also reported “unprecedented levels” of school-related anxiety, stress and mental-health problems amongst both primary and secondary pupils, leading the NUT to call on the Government to abandon its plans to increase assessment of schools.

The Government’s focus on literacy, numeracy and academic subjects had narrowed the curriculum and reduced the amount of time for creative teaching, investigations, practical work and reading, the report found.

Secondary school pupils were entered for exams in academic subjects they weren’t interested in so as to boost the school’s league-table performance – leading to disaffection and poor behaviour among some students.

[source : Schools are using 'dubious practices' to boost results, teacher's union says , The Independent,, 4th July 2015]

And this reported earlier this week:
Three in four school leavers need ‘significant’ training when they get a job because they lack crucial skills, bosses have warned.

Companies are taking months to fill junior roles as many teenagers struggle with basic literacy and numeracy, as well as working in teams and communicating well.

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants warned that the skills shortage is costing businesses and dragging down productivity.

The professional body surveyed 1,400 members in the UK and 320 across Europe.

A third of British finance professionals said their firms took more than two months to fill junior roles for 16 to 18-year-olds such as apprenticeships and school leaver programmes.

And 75 per cent said the school leavers they took on required ‘significant’ training. This was a third higher than elsewhere in Europe (47.1 per cent).

British candidates were also twice as likely to lack basic numeracy, literacy and interpersonal skills as their European peers.

[source : Three in four school leavers 'are struggling with maths and literacy': Companies taking months to fill junior roles because many teenagers lack 'crucial skills', Daily Mail,, 29th June 2015]

And then there is the drive to militarise the classroom. I referred to this in HEY! TEACHER! I SAID LEAVE THEM KIDS ALONE! . A global arms manufacturer is about to manage a school in Cumbria. And one 'exercise'/project I am aware of to make mathematics more 'fun' and 'interesting' is to come up with a plan for the placement of machine guns to kill as many of the enemy as possible as they marched towards your trench!!

No wonder the country is so fucked up and apathetic.

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