
Sunday, July 05, 2015


Here's another piece of news that raises suspicion that events in Sousse were not unforeseen or unavoidable.

Small units of SAS soldiers were ghosted into position weeks ago to back up comrades secretly battling ISIS thugs trying to spread their evil reign.

Crack British special forces have stepped up operations inside war-torn Syria to prepare for UK airstrikes against Islamic State fanatics.

Small units of SAS soldiers were ghosted into position weeks ago to back up comrades secretly battling ISIS thugs trying to spread their evil reign.

The SAS are now on stand-by to help direct RAF jets if they are sent in following the massacre of 38 tourists, including 30 Britons, in Tunisia nine days ago.

British planes are already attacking ISIS in Iraq but Defence Ministry experts believe its Syria bases must also be hit.

Dozens of SAS and some Special Boat Service troops are now in the conflict-ridden country trying to stop the terror plague spreading.

In a previous top-secret operation British and American special forces joined up in the Syrian border town of Kobane to help drive out jihadists slaughtering Kurdish civilians.

A source said: “The SAS are extremely good at entering a country covertly and persuading local factions that they need their help and they have proved invaluable in taking on ISIS.”

The SAS is helping co-ordinate air attacks by the US and Gulf states, even though the RAF is not yet involved.

The sources added: “As well as killing individual ISIS commanders and causing huge disruption that way they have been able to call in well-placed airstrikes.

“And, along with intelligence operators, they have provided detailed updates on what is happening inside Syria, in particular trying to assess ISIS’s capabilities and its vulnerabilities.”

It is also believed members of Britain’s secretive Special Reconnaissance Regiment has sent troops into Syria and Iraq to spy on ISIS.

Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was identified by British and American special forces – and critically injured when jets were sent to attack him.

RAF Tornado bombers and Reaper drones have flown hundreds of missions over Iraq since September, killing hundreds of fighters.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon now wants British planes to target the extremists “at source” in Syria if the House of Commons agrees.

Sources say one reason British troops have not been deployed to Syria publicly is because the UK is funding “legitimate” Islamic rebels fighting President Bashir Assad’s brutal regime.

Openly attacking ISIS would be a huge boost to Assad, who has been appealing for outside help.

Spooks from MI6 are liaising with senior figures from his regime who have defected to rebel units.

[source : SAS wage secret war against ISIS in Syria as forces step up attack operations, Daily Mirror,, 4th July 2015]

If you want a good idea of how the SAS was used from the start to kill Gaddafi, even though the UN SCR 1973 was supposed to be just about 'protecting civilians' see this report:
British efforts to help topple Colonel Gaddafi were not limited to air strikes. On the ground - and on the quiet - special forces soldiers were blending in with rebel fighters. This is the previously untold account of the crucial part they played.

The British campaign to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi's regime had its public face - with aircraft dropping bombs, or Royal Navy ships appearing in Libyan waters, but it also had a secret aspect.

My investigations into that covert effort reveal a story of practically minded people trying to get on with the job, while all the time facing political and legal constraints imposed from London.

In the end, though, British special forces were deployed on the ground in order to help the UK's allies - the Libyan revolutionaries often called the National Transitional Council or NTC. Those with a knowledge of the programme insist "they did a tremendous job" and contributed to the final collapse of the Gaddafi regime.

...The British government's desire to achieve the overthrow of Gaddafi while accommodating the legal sensitivities registered by various Whitehall departments led to some frustration among those who were meant to make the policy work.
Misrata rebels used sophisticated range-finders to adjust artillery fire and co-ordinate Nato air strikes

"It just seemed to me an unnecessarily muddled way of going about a business that we all knew the underlying aims of," said one. "It was almost as if we have lost the ability to define a clear objective and go for it."

...The SAS had meanwhile strayed beyond its training facility, with single men or pairs accompanying the NTC commanders that they had been training back to their units. They dressed as Libyans and blended in with the units they mentored, says someone familiar with the operation.

There had been concerns that they would be spotted by the press, but this did not happen. "We have become a lot better at blending in," says someone familiar with the D Squadron operation. "Our people were able to stay close to the NTC commanders without being compromised."

Instead, as the revolutionaries fought their way into Gaddafi's home town of Sirte, they were assisted by a handful of British and other special forces. Members of the Jordanian and United Arab Emirates armies had fallen in behind the Qataris too.

When, on 20 October, Gaddafi was finally captured and then killed by NTC men, it followed Nato air strikes on a convoy of vehicles carrying leading members of the former regime as they tried to escape from Sirte early in the morning. Had British soldiers on the ground had a hand in this? Nobody will say yet.

[source : Inside story of the UK's secret mission to beat Gaddafi, BBC,, 19th January 2012]

So I would warn Assad: Watch out!!

The plan was to use (the blatant inside job) 9/11 to kick off a series of wars and regime changes in seven nations in five years: Iraq, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

But what has happened is that:
We invaded Iraq in 2003 under the pretext that Iraq had done 9/11 and had WMD, both blatant lies;

Israel (who had planned the wars in 1990's) started a war on Lebanon (and lost!) in 2006 ;

But by 2007 the NATO pubic were sick of these wars, so the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash the worst cutthroat Jihadis onto more members of the list targeted for war and regime change: Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

But to receive NATO support these Jihadis required cover as 'freedom fighters' so the US State Dept engineered The Arab Spring;

The cutthroat Jihadis were first unleashed onto Libya, where they slaughtered Black Libyans, and received NATO air support and ground support from the SAS (see BBC report above);

With Gaddafi killed the cutthroat Jihadis were transported to Syria, but they failed to quickly oust or kill Assad, probably because the Jihadis didn't have any air support from NATO;

So Bandar threatened Putin that if Putin didn't dump Assad then Bandar would unleash hell in Syria. Putin declined this lovely heart-warming offer. So on 21st August 2013 Bandar unleashed hell in Syria;

But that false flag failed to provoke war on Syria so that the cutthroat Jihadis could receive NATO air support;

So a US DIA plan from 2012 has been implemented to facilitate the rise of a Salafist entity to isolate Assad;

That Salafist entity we know as Islamic State;

The Kurds told NATO intelligence what was going on but NATO intelligence let it happen;

Iraqi Army units were told to stand down and run for the hills as Islamic State took over parts of Iraq and captured military hardware, natural resources and bank accounts;

So now we have the USA and UK openly interfering in Syria to allegedly crush their bastard, Islamic State. The USA bombs Islamic State targets, while the SAS/SBS are allegedly finding targets.

But as shown above, the British government's aim in Libya from the start was to kill Gaddafi, even if the UN SCR 1973 did not authorise it. But getting Gaddafi was part of the plan so the SAS were sent in.

And now the SAS has been sent into Syria.

Perfide Albion!

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