
Wednesday, July 01, 2015


Further to the Brookings report to establish buffer zones in Syria, occupied by troops from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the UK and the USA, I have suggested that the terrorist attack in Sousse, which may have left 30 Britons dead, was possibly ordered by someone in the British power structure to provoke demands for British military escalation in Syria.

And now it is being reported that Turkish and Jordanian troops are preparing to create buffer zones in Syria:
Turkish and Jordanian military forces, including tens of thousands of ground troops, are preparing to invade Syria, with the aim of establishing militarized buffer zones in the northern and southern areas of the country, according to media reports Tuesday.

The Jordanian-occupied area would include large areas of Syria's southern Deraa and Suweida provinces, as well as Deraa city. The Turkish zone would be established along Syria's northern border. It was explicitly authorized by Turkish President Reccep Tayyip Erdogan in the name of blocking the formation of a Kurdish state in the area, "no matter what it costs."

The possible Jordanian operation was reported by the Financial Times and other media outlets, but there was no official declaration or actual movement of troops across the border. US officials denied that Washington had approved either a Jordanian or a Turkish ground intervention.

Turkish media reports said that Erdogan had chaired a national security meeting on Monday that approved the deployment of 18,000 Turkish troops to secure territory along the Turkish-Syrian border.

[source : Turkey, Jordan discuss moves to seize territory in Syria, WSWS,, 1st July 2015]

I believe that all this escalation is due to the meeting that took place in Turkey in March this year at which it was decided that enough is enough and to give the 'rebels' all they needed to oust Assad except SAMs.

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