
Monday, July 27, 2015


First, there has been no such tribunal for previous air traffic incidents, despite such blatant shoot downs of civilian passenger aircraft by the USA and Ukraine.

Second, any such tribunal would be basing its decision on biased evidence:
1. Joost Niemoller reported on the existence of a secret agreement between Ukraine, Netherlands, Australia and Belgium to withhold evidence if one vetoed it (this shows a cynical preparedness to obstruct the course of justice and promote a lack of transparency and neutrality);
2. Netherlands, as a founding member of NATO, wants Ukraine as a member of NATO, while Ukraine wants to become a member of NATO following a violent coup that was run by NATO to install a banker puppet who runs a foundation that is actually sponsored by NATO!!;
3. there have been reports that the Dutch Secret Service have been withholding evidence from and thus guiding the inquiries into MH17, and the reason for this is that Netherlands is a founding member of NATO who want Ukraine as a member.

In my opinion, the current 'investigation' should be scrapped, due to its massive potential for bias and thus injustice, and a brand new investigation, under the control of a truly independent international authority, should begin the investigation from the start. The investigation so far is truly biased, run by a founding member of NATO that wants a suspect, Ukraine, as a member of NATO, and is relying on that suspect, Ukraine, for evidence.

No such investigation would be allowed in any country, not even the most corrupt for fear of embarrassment, for any other crime.

But who gives a fuck : at least Eliot Higgins, after all that whoring for NATO/Atlantic Council, is about to start a PhD at the Dept of War Studies, Kings College, London.

Is that the same Dept of War Studies that just sent an 'academic' to advise Bilderberg on Islamic State?

Yes. It is.

I wonder if this department is aware of the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11?

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