
Monday, August 17, 2015


Eliot Higgins has tweeted this, to obviously drum up hatred of President Bashar al-Assad in preparation for the planned war on Syria:

You should read the report.

But then ask yourself these questions:
1. why is such violence occuring in Syria?
2. who runs Bild?

The answer to question 1 is, the war on Syria was planned decades ago, and was one of several that were planned shortly after 9/11, even though Syria had sweet FA to do with 9/11, as did the other nations targeted for war by the USA after 9/11.

If you have not done so already then you should also watch General Wesley Clark reveal the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years that was revealed to him shortly after 9/11:

Anyone who cannot immediately see that this plan has been and still is being implemented is an...

Before 2011 Syria was much more stable and peaceful. So what happened?

The reason why the violence in Syria started is because by 2007 this plan revealed to General Wesley Clark was moribund. Only Iraq had been attacked by the USA, and Hezbollah had at least drawn a war with Israel in 2006 that Israel engineered. So, as reported by Seymour Hersh in March 2007, it was agreed that the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia would unleash international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon. The former French foreign minister claims that in 2009 he was asked by Great Britain to help smuggle these Jihadis into Syria. The international cutthroat Jihadis were to be portrayed as 'Freedom Fighters' in the US State Dept-engineered 'Arab Spring'. After assassinating Gaddafi, these Jihadis (who had received incredible NATO air support and assistance on the ground from the British SAS) were then smuggled into Syria. The result of this blatantly illegal destabilisation of Syria is partially seen in the above report by Bild. There was a failed attempt to provoke a war on Syria in August 2013 after Prince Bandar's false flag of Ghouta was exposed. So then a plan proposed by the US DIA in 2012, to facilitate the rise of a Salafist entity to isolate Assad, has been implemented. That entity we know as Islamic State.

So now onto Bild.

The answer to question 2, who runs Bild, is, the CIA runs Bild. Bild is owned by Axel Springer SE. Axel Springer SE was founded by a German journalist shortly after WW2 with millions of dollars from the CIA. The CEO of Axel Springer SE is Mattias Dopfner who has attended Bilderberg several times.

So further questions to ask are:
1. why does the allegedly anti-war Eliot Higgins not use his status as the NATO media darling on all things war to expose this plan and stop the wars?
2. why does Bild not expose this plan too?

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