
Friday, September 18, 2015


After finding out last weekend that the PCAAF financed John Mann MP with nearly £ 10K in under 4 months last summer to go on international trips, last Sunday I asked the PCAAF for the full list of their financiers. Today I got this reply:
According to the rules on All-Party Groups ( section 32(b), page 13: The information which must be made available on receiving a request such as yours is as follows:

"If a charity or other not-for-profit organisation provides a secretariat or support services whose value exceeds the threshold for registration: a list of any commercial organisation(s) from which the organisation has received donation(s) of more than £5,000 in total during the preceding twelve months; or, if providing the information on request, during the twelve months immediately before the month in which the request was made"

I can inform you that no commercial organisations have made donations of this kind to the PCAA Foundation in the past 12 months. The APPG itself does not hold any funds.

In other words, "Fuck you!! We are not going to tell you."

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