
Monday, September 28, 2015


Has Eliot Higgins explained to us what the conflict in Syria is all about?

Don't tell me. He thinks the UK, France, USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are all run by angels who have had nothing but good intentions by unleashing cutthroat Jihadis onto Syrian children?

This tweet succinctly explains the conflict now:

But before this, the conflicts in not just Syria but also Iraq, Lebanon and Libya can be explained by this video of General Wesley Clark revealing the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years shortly using 9/11 as the casus belli, as Jeremy Corbyn correctly stated:

Between Clark revealing this, and now:
1. NATO used their engineered Arab Spring to support cutthroat Jihadis in Libya;
2. This operation was also repeated in Syria, but by August 2013 the Jihadis had not killed Assad as they had Gaddafi;
3. so Prince Bandar ran a false flag chemical attack to provoke a war on Syria, but that failed;
4. so a plan proposed in 2012 by the US DIA, to facilitate the rise of a Salafist entity to isolate Assad, has been implemented, that entity we know as Islamic State.

And to help Islamic State grow, nations such as the UK and USA have been openly supplying Islamic State through air drops while Turkey has been allowing aid convoys bound for Islamic State through its border into Syria, and NATO intelligence agencies have been encouraging and allowing Jihadis to travel to Syria, with Michael Adebalajo being a prime example: he was openly preaching Jihad against Assad, right under the noses of MI5, in the weeks before he murdered Lee Rigby.

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