
Wednesday, September 09, 2015


On 15th April this year the Northern Irish fishing boat The Karen was dragged backwards, and the captain had to release the boat's nets for safety. Immediately Russia was blamed.

But now the British have admitted that it was them all along, yet they have allowed the lie to last this long. They even allowed one of their own Roland Oliphant to use the event to smear Russia as the aggressors when Oliphant wrote a piece in The Daily Telegraph which claimed to document all the incursions into NATO territory by Russia. I covered this article in ANOTHER OLIPHANT PROPAGANDA PIECE AGAINST RUSSIA in which I expressed my doubts about the accuracy of Oliphant's claims. Oliphant even cited the suspected 'Russian' submarine sighted near Stockholm last year even though Sweden had already stated that the sub was not Russian, and in any case Sweden is not a member of NATO.

Oliphant is a pure propaganda merchant, and I wonder who he really works for.

Oh, and it is Oliphant who somehow managed to get to the field 5km south of Shnizhne and find a piece of material which was immediately claimed by some to be a part of a BUK missile (which it wasn't).

The UK Ministry of Defence admits that a submarine that damaged a Northern Irish trawler in April this year was one of its own, not Russian. Earlier, Fleet Street was awash with speculation that a ‘hostile Russian sub’ had nearly destroyed the fishing vessel.

“…the RN [the Royal Navy] has now confirmed that a UK submarine was, in fact, responsible for snagging the KAREN's [fishing vessel] nets,” Penny Mordaunt, minister of state for the Armed Forces, said in a statement.

The fishing vessel KAREN sustained damage to its nets and deck equipment while in the Irish Sea after it was dragged violently by unidentified vessel.

[source : ‘Oops, it was us’: Military concedes British sub, not Russian, damaged UK trawler in April, RT,, 8th September 2015]

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