
Saturday, October 03, 2015


Charles Lister is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Doha Center in Washington DC. The Chair of Brookings Doha Center is none other than Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani, the former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar.

And yes, that is the same Qatar which along with Saudi Arabia, has supported the cutthroat Jihadis in Libya and then Syria. So Lister is not going to accuse his boss of anything naughty, is he?

And along with al-Thani, the Brookings Doha Center is advised by such humanitarians as Zbigniew Brzezinski and Madeleine K. Albright.

Lister recently wrote an article which was published by the BBC, in which he stated:
From the very first days of the revolution, Assad and his intelligence apparatus have consistently facilitated the rise of jihadists. This policy of aiding and abetting jihadist militants and manipulating them for Damascus' policy interests is a well-established Assad family practice, dating back at least to the 1990s.

By releasing dozens of al-Qaeda prisoners in mid-2011, Assad helped give birth to a thriving Islamist insurgency, including an al-Qaeda affiliate. By then adopting a deliberate policy of not targeting IS, Assad directly facilitated that group's recovery and explosion into the transnational "Caliphate" movement it claims to be today.

[source : Viewpoint: West 'walking into abyss' on Syria, BBC,, 28th September 2015]

But in 2007 Seymour Hersh reported that the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia had agreed that the latter would unleash the worst Jihadis on the planet onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

An interesting fact is that the Brookings Doha Center was established in 2008, which was about the same time that the US State Dept started to engineer The Arab Spring.

In 2009 former French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked by British security officials to help them to smuggle Jihadis into Syria.

In 2011 the Jihadis in Libya, who were basically Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, were given air support by NATO and ground support from British Special Forces to abuse UN SCR 1973 and murder Colonel Gaddafi.

And after Gaddafi these Jihadis went to Syria.

And to provide more Jihadis for the Jihad against Assad, NATO intelligence services encouraged and allowed Jihadis to go to Syria. There has been a Covenant of Security between MI5 and the Jihadis, and Michael Adebalajo was allowed to preach Jihad against Assad before he tried to saw Lee Rigby's head off!

This explains the rise of Jihadis in Syria. Assad did not create them. They were smuggled into Syria, possibly along British rat lines, and have been supplied by NATO air drops and convoys through Turkey.

And as for Islamic State, the US DIA proposed such an entity in 2012, which I believe was created by NATO. The Kurds told NATO intelligence in February 2014 about Islamic State but NATO did nothing to stop Islamic State grow. On the contrary, NATO have encouraged Jihadis to go to Syria, allowed them to enter through NATO member Turkey, and provided aid through air drops and convoys of loaded trucks.

And how about this on Qatar's meddling in Syria?
The remarkable truth is that few in the Middle East would be shocked. From Hamas in the Gaza Strip to radical armed movements in Syria, Qatar's status as a prime sponsor of violent Islamists, including groups linked to al-Qaeda, is clear to diplomats and experts.

Qatar's promotion of extremism has so infuriated its neighbours that Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates all chose to withdraw their ambassadors from the country in March.

Take Syria, where Qatar has been sponsoring the rebellion against Bashar al-Assad's regime. In itself, that policy places Qatar alongside the leading Western powers and much of the Arab world.

But Qatar has deliberately channelled guns and cash towards Islamist rebels, notably a group styling itself Ahrar al-Sham, or "Free Men of Syria". Only last week, Khalid al-Attiyah, the Qatari foreign minister, praised this movement as "purely" Syrian.

He added that its fighters had suffered heavy losses while combating the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), the group behind the murder of David Haines, the British aid worker, and which is holding John Cantlie and Alan Henning hostage.

Far from being a force for moderation, Ahrar al-Sham played a key role in transforming the anti-Assad revolt into an Islamist uprising. Its men fought alongside Jabhat al-Nusra, an al-Qaeda affiliate, during the battle for Aleppo and they were accused of at least one sectarian massacre.

Instead of fighting Isil, Ahrar al-Sham helped the jihadists to run Raqqa, the town in eastern Syria that is now the capital of the self-proclaimed "Caliphate". This cooperation with Isil happened for some months until the two groups fell out last year.

[source : How Qatar is funding the rise of Islamist extremists, Daily Telegraph,, 20th September 2014]

Oh, dear.

Deary, deary me.

So, in short, Charles Lister is a lying piece of shit.

But I guess he lives a nice life off his nice salary he gets from his boss, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani, the former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar....

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