
Tuesday, October 06, 2015


On 17th July 2014, just as MH17 was falling out of the sky, Andrij Lysenko, the spokesman for the Ukraine National Security Council (which at the time was packed with neo-Nazis), told a press conference that Ukraine had videos of the separatists in control of BUKs.

The following day a video was released by the same Ukraine National Security Council of a BUK with a missing missile travelling through what is now considered to be Luhansk, allegedly filmed at 0500 on the morning of 18th July 2014. The video was first claimed to have been filmed Krasnodon. Why was that?

But shortly thereafter the Ukraine Counter-intelligence Chief Naida told a different press conference that the BUK that allegedly shot down MH17 was in Russia by 0200 on the morning of 18th July 2014.

In addition to these blatant contradictions and possible manipulation of evidence, Ukraine Security Service released a 'tape' of an alleged intercepted phone call which was claimed to prove 100% that Cossacks based at Chernukino had shot down MH17 with a BUK.

Belling Cat have been citing the video of the BUK with missing missile in Luhansk as their key piece of evidence in accusing Russia of shooting down MH17.

Today, Eliot Higgins has tweeted this:

Have Belling Cat checked everything about these contradictions and possible manipulations of evidence?

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