
Monday, November 09, 2015


In yet another shining example of the blatant bias and Russophobia of Eliot Higgins, following the release of the report by WADA on Russia and doping athletes he has retweeted a number of tweets on this, a selection of which are:

The WADA report makes allegations only, and Russia has not been found guilty of anything yet.

But more importantly, nobody died as a result of this alleged program.

However, I have been trying to expose the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years that was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11. This plan explains all the violence in North Africa and the Middle East since 9/11. Hundreds of thousands, some claim one million, died during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The Chilcot Inquiry into that war has yet to publish its findings, six years after it started. Israel bombed Lebanon in an attempt to dislodge and defeat Hezbollah. NATO supported al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in order to kill Colonel Gaddafi, reducing Libya to a pile of rubble and leading to the rise of Islamic extremists there. And after 4 years of using a proxy force of international cutthroat Jihadis, the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states have failed to get Assad.

All the violence.

All the wars.

All the head-chopping.

All the throat-slitting.

It would not have happened if this plan had not been implemented.

It could be stopped by the likes of Higgins, who could use his media exposure to expose this plan and stop it all.

But does he?


Instead he retweets several tweets on a report accusing Russia of doping its athletes, a program that resulted in zero deaths.

But the plan revealed to Clark has resulted in how many deaths? A million in total? And that's ignoring the physical destruction of those nations that have been attacked!

This war plan could be stopped. It is being stopped. By Russia.

That is why Russia is being bashed so much at this moment in history.

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