
Wednesday, November 25, 2015


In response to Turkey shooting down the Russian Su-24 yesterday Russia should seek justice in destroying NATO's Syrian rebels and NATO's Islamic State in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Army, Iran and Hezbollah. There is not much that the aggressive NATO/Zionist/Gulf states can do. Seeking revenge with a military response against Turkey risks WW3 with NATO because Turkey will invoke Article V of The Washington Treaty, which some members of NATO are trying to provoke anyway. Russia must keep its focus on the Jihadis.

This Disunited Fascist Queendom must not be allowed to intervene in Syria. We started the violence in Syria. Roland Dumas was asked in 2009 by Great Britain to organise the smuggling of Jihadis into Syria. This was 2 years after Seymour Hersh had reported that such a covert war was to be waged, and 2 years before the Jihadis began their war on Assad.

The response of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to this blatant provocation by Turkey has proved that the decision to award him with the TTS Freak of the Week last week was perfectly justified.

And it is for that reason that Jens is this week's TTS Freak of the Week...again.

So can we all congratulate Jens on a stellar performance...again.

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