
Friday, November 20, 2015


Absolutely brilliant and proper journalism from Nafeez Ahmed (who was sacked from The Guardian after he reported the real reason for Israel's war on Gaza in 2014 - oil and gas off the coast of Gaza).

Ahmed nails the pipeline factor in Syria: the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states want a pipeline from the Pars gas field starting from Qatar and then through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey, and then onto Europe; while Russia wants a pipeline from Iran through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The idea is to reduce Europe's dependence on Russia for energy which in turn reduces Russia's influence over Europe.

However, in March 2007 Seymour Hersh reported that the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia had decided to unleash the worst cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran, but they were first unleashed onto Libya, where British Special Forces assisted the Jihadis (who were actually al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb) on the ground and NATO provided air cover.

And this decision was taken because the initial plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years that was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11 had by 2007 become moribund, with the general public sick and sceptical of more war following the debacle in Iraq. In order for NATO to provide assistance to these Jihadis the US State Dept engineered The Arab Spring so that the Jihadis could be described as 'freedom fighters' when they were in fact international cutthroats sponsored by that utopia of freedom, democracy and human rights, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


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